Other Stuffage

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chocolate Covered Katie Pumpkin Bars Recipe

Today, we made Chocolate Covered Katie's recipe for pumpkin bars... I think I might like them a little more than our default recipe!  Those of you that have tried our recipe know first hand that those are hard to beat!!!  We followed her exact recipe and added two tbsp of mini chocolate chips. :)

They were so good that, after about 10-20 minutes, the whole pan had been licked clean!!!  They were that good!!!  (Just for the record, I had help from my cousins too...  I promise I didn't eat the whole pan myself!  But I wish I could have!)  As you can see, they didn't last long enough to get a nice, pretty picture.  Bummer.  Guess we'll have to make some more...

After that, I took the kids swimming.  Aiden would run around the pool, stop, roar like a dinosaur, repeat. Meanwhile, Audrey decided to clip on her shark fin lifejacket and swim around the pool singing the Jaws theme.

Question of the day:
What is your favorite dessert?

Magelby's Chocolate Cake...  Mom claims that it's "death on a plate," but somehow, I don't think it would taste anywhere near as good if it was 'healthified'.


  1. Ohhhh, too many choices... It depends on my mood. Lately, it's anything chocolate... except Magleby's Death on a Plate Chocolate Cake!

  2. Anything within my reach lately. But we did make root beer chocolate cake and root beer frosting today. M and J were disappointed when it didn't taste like root beer. Oh well.

  3. My favorite dessert of all time is either bread pudding or fruit cobbler! I do love me a good pumpkin bar, though! :) (pardon the slang!) Glad you are back! The rootbeer cake sounds fascinating!

    1. I totally forgot about bread pudding...
      Put that on my favorite list too :)

  4. Any kind of sweet roll,warm is the best. Gram
