Other Stuffage

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cayman Island Dolphin Discovery

Guess what I got to do today?  I got to go to the Dolphin Discovery Swim on Grand Cayman, and I am biting my nails because it was THE BEST THING EVER!!!!!

I want to go back so badly!

The first part was really boring.

I had to wait with the rest of the group while wearing my lovely life jacket.  Then I watched a rather entertaining orientation; the guy was serious yet funny...  He taught us all the different hand signs we would need to do for each of the dolphin tricks.

Then we finally got to go down to the water.  I got in and... BRRRRRRR!!!  It was pretty chilly!  It sure didn't help that the wind was blowing and the sun was behind thick clouds all day...  But then I got used to it... and the peasants rejoiced...

Once I was in the water, I got to pet the dolphins, kiss the dolphins, dance the cha-cha with the dolphins, AND use my hand and a ball as a target for the dolphins to come up and touch.  
[Dolphin Talk: Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh!]

Then it was time for the more adventurous tricks.  The first time, I hitched a belly ride on the dolphin.  I had to hold my hands out to one side, like I was dancing a hula, and wait for the dolphin to come sneak up on me.  Once he did, he flipped over onto his back, I grabbed onto his two flippers, and he pulled me back safety!  Whew! I thought I was going to drown out there!!!  (NOT!)

My favorite part came last.  You know, save the best for last!

I got to be pushed by not one, but by TWO dolphins!  I held onto a boogie board and both dolphins swam up behind me, each putting his nose on my feet, and sent me rocketing through the water at lightning speed!  I felt like I was flying!!!  Woohoo!!!  It was awesome!!!!  I could have done that all day!

Audrey and Aiden got to participate too, though they were too young to ride the dolphins.  But, they did get to pet, kiss, and dance with the dolphins.  They LOVED it!!   Audrey was begging to get out, though, because she was so cold.  She was shivering all over and her lips were blue by the time we got done...  I guess a little body fat is a good thing!  Aiden, on the other hand, in pure 2-year-old fashion, was basically making out with the dolphin during the dolphin kiss part.  I think he liked it a little too much...

After our time with the dolphins, we got to go into a stingray tank and pet some stingrays.  That was a little freaky.  I really don't like water creatures brushing up against my legs like little sea cats.  [Meow!]  Ok, I like water creatures, but not really stingrays.  We also got to see a big, red starfish and a really cool conch.  They say it's like a snail.  In my opinion, it looked like part snail, part alien from another shell-niverse.  Yeah, I don't think I'll be trying those conch fritters any time soon...  That's just disturbing, now that I know what one looks like...

Question of the Day:
Have you ever swam with a dolphin?  If not, would you if you got the chance?

BONUS Question of the Day:
What is the funkiest looking sea critter that you have ever seen?


  1. What fun! That is quite the experience. Soak it all up, because it's nice and chilly here! I've loved reading all of your posts!

  2. I would love to swim with the dolphins, I even wanted to be a marine biologist for a brief time. But not to big on swimming with sharks so I changed my mind on that professional. You looked like you had tons of fun. I think jelly fish are the oddest things I ever saw. Michelle Rehrig, PA

    1. I don't care for sharks either... I did have tons of fun. Yes, I did have tons of fun.

  3. Wow! Swimming with dolphins is definitely on my life list- that and going into a shark cage!

    1. I have a hard time coming up to a shark in an aquarium... I don't think I could do a shark cage. So you are extremely brave in my book.

  4. Hi Alli,
    If I had the chance to swim with a Dolphin I would. No I have never had the chance to swim with one though. I think the Laughing Hyena is pretty odd looking. Glad your family is having a great time. Gram

    1. Gramm, somehow I've missed the sea-dwelling laughing hyena. What does that look like?

  5. Hi Alli,
    I have had the opportunity to swim with the dolphins and it is amazing! I am so happy that you are getting to do some of these amazing things that people dream of. Way cool! I would go again in a heartbeat. I have also been able to touch and swim with the stingrays and I agree with you.. they are a little intimidating and not as pleasant as a dolphin. :) It is so fun to read about your experiences. Thanks for sharing!

    Stephanie Morgan

    1. I don't do sharks or anything to do with them... and stingrays are the cousins of sharks.. but it was cool(ish).

  6. Alli, how fun! Thank you for all of the AWESOME pictures of your dolphin adventure. I have never technically swam with a dolphin but have been snorkeling when a bunch of then were swimming nearby! The creepiest sea creature to me are those things that look like black baseballs with spikes......can't think of the name of them but if you get stung by one it wouldn't be very fun. One of my boys did! Glad you are having such a blast! Wow, Audrey and Aiden are brave!

    1. I think snorkeling with dolphins counts.
      I believe you're describing a sea urchin. OUCH!
