Other Stuffage

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mission House

Yesterday, we went to the Mission House.  It teaches some of the history of Grand Cayman.  Our tour guide, Denise Bodden, was the great-granddaughter of the last person to live in the Mission House.  The original Mission House was destroyed by Hurricane Ivan 2004, and an exact replica of the original home was rebuilt a few years later.
Caymanian men actually did a lot of sewing and cooking too!
I learned that Christopher Columbus first discovered Grand Cayman and claimed it for Spain.  Well, like everyone says:
Columbus sailed the ocean blue
In 1492.
BUT he climbed a coconut tree
In 1503!

Hahaha, I made that last part up!  I'm so awesome.  There's no charge for awesomeness...

I also learned that the women pretty much ran the island in the 1800's.  The men often had to go overseas to get jobs, sometimes being away from their families for years at a time.  The women started to do pretty much everything themselves.  When the men came back, they had a hard time fitting in again because the women were already doing everything themselves!  Go girl power!!
Coconut Meat graterSilver Thatch rope woven by women.

A few years after that, Grand Cayman became a British territory, and Great Britain began sending Presbyterian ministers to convert the Caymanian people to Christianity.  In time, the Presbyterians began to set up churches and schools.

The Hammock Room! :)
It was a pretty good tour and very full of lots of historical information, facts, and stories about the people and families who lived in the home.  I would highly recommend it, though it is "far" away from the main tourist area (7 Mile Beach).
Caymanian cookstove
Mosquito Swatter
Corncob backscratcher and pull rope to swing the hammock

Question of the day:
What has been your favorite or most memorable tour you've ever done?


  1. Mine would have to be Winsor Castle or the National Gallery in London. Josh said his favorite would have to be the Smithsonian Air and Space, or the Expansion at Dulles. I'm glad you are having a good time! Keep posting!

    1. I've only heard of the Smithsonian and I want to go and see it so bad!
      I will keep posting.

  2. Think my favorite tour was of Versailles in France. That palace just blew my mind.

  3. My favorite would have to the Smithsonian - all the buildings - it would take a few days to see it all. Glad you are having a good time. Keep us informed. Gram

    1. K, the Smithsonian sounds soo cool!
      I wanna go!!!
