Other Stuffage

Monday, January 16, 2012

Go to... Where?

Go to Hell!!!

Ok, If you think I swore... you're... NOT RIGHT!!!  Hell is a real place!  We visited there this morning.  Hell is a place to take pictures of the crazy lava rock and pose with a devil.  So, if you don't have a camera on ya, then DON'T GO TO HELL!!!

Go to Boatswain's TURTLE FARM!!!

Let me start off by clearly stating that I LOVE TURTLES!!!

The Turtle Farm is a place where you can go look at turtles... and hold them :).

I got to hold a 12 week old turtle!!! He was sooo cute!!!

Then we got to see turtles that were the size of me (literally).

They were huge!!!

After that, we got to go into a wading area and pick up turtles that swam by.

Question of the day:
What is your favorite aquatic animal?

Turtles, dolphins, penguins, blue tangs, etc.


  1. Summer would have been so jealous she loves turtles too.

  2. Sea turtles are awesome:
    Crush: Dude? Dude? Focus dude... Dude?
    [Marlin wakes up]
    Crush: Oh, he lives. Hey, dude!
    Marlin: Oh... What happened?
    Crush: Saw the whole thing, dude. First you were all like "whoa", and we were like "whoa", and you were like "whoa..."
    Marlin: What are you talking about?
    Crush: You, Mini-Man, takin' on the jellies. You've got serious thrill issues, dude. Awesome.
    Marlin: Oh, my stomach. Ohh.
    Crush: Oh, man. Hey, no hurling on the shell, dude, ok? Just waxed it.
    Marlin: So, Mr. Turtle?
    Crush: Whoa, Dude. Mister Turtle is my father. The name's Crush.
    Marlin: Crush, really? OK, Crush. I need to get to the East Australian Current. EAC?
    Crush: [laughing] Oh, dude. You're ridin' it, dude! Check it out!

  3. Hi Alli. The turtle farm looks like such a cool place! How fun to be able to see all the different turtles and then get to hold them. Thanks for sharing this amazing experience with us! I hope you continue to have a lot of fun!

  4. @ Unknown
    HIgh five to Summer! Turtle Power :)

    @ Allie
    I like Crush... but i think I like either Squirt or Dory more :)

    @ Morgan Family
    I will. I enjoy writing about my day, it's like a personal journal just everyone sees it.

  5. I believe the formations in Hell are actually limestone formations not Lava.

  6. Turtles are awesome but I like manatees. Thanks for sharing Hell with us.

  7. I like dolphins. Michelle Rehrig

  8. I would have to say that I also LOVE turtles! They are so cute! And, they live a long time, and they don't bark! I think my next pet will be a turtle because it would take it a year to run away, unlike Titan and Roxy..............You are doing so many awesome things. You make going to Hell seen like fun! How many people could do THAT?!

    1. A) Turtle power!
      B) Yeah... that would be a little odd if a turtle could bark.
      C) Hell is fun (I'm having WAY too much fun overusing that word)
      D) Me! (Of corse)
