Other Stuffage

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 2: Coconuts and Scorpions

Today has been a rather interesting day.  After school, we harvested a couple coconuts, not by climbing a tree, but by using a ladder instead.  Mom always says to work smarter not harder!

But, that's where the smart work stopped and the hard work started...

We didn't have a machete, se we used a saw.  Big mistake! It took forever to get that coconut open.  Good thing I used slave labor.  Thanks Mom! :)

I think that we may have cut too young of a coconut.  It had almost no meat inside of it.  But it did have a good amount of coconut water inside.  Mom liked the coconut water, but I didn't.  BLECH!!!

While we were looking for a ladder in the garage to get the coconuts, we found a big black scorpion nearly the size of my hand.  Mom thought it was dead, so we got the ladder and proceeded with harvesting coconuts.  Later, when we came back, we discovered that it had moved and was clearly still very alive.  So, Mom trapped it in a container until Dad was available.  I then proceeded to watch the most gruesome death experience I have ever seen.  It was cool yet gross at the same time.  I admit that I felt a little nauseous afterwards.  I took a video of it.  You can hear Mom and I screaming in the background while Dad killed it.  I'm debating whether to post it or not...


Question of the day: 
Do you want to see the video I took? I need at least 10 of you to say yes before I post it.  Let me know what you think.  Are ya up for it?


  1. Sounds like quite the day! I vote YES to the video, even though I've already seen it (thanks for sending it to Bekah!). And better luck next time with the coconut harvest - they're harder than they look. If you ever try it again, I would suggest investing in a machete - speaking from experience!

  2. Hmm...don't know why it came up as 'Unknown', but it was me, Aunt Karen!

  3. I say yes to the video! My son just had a birthday party and we had a guy come and do a show. He brought all sorts of snakes & lizards, a tyrantula and a scorpion. And just to freak us all out, he put the scorpion in his mouth and shut it! I think I died a little when he did that.

  4. Just five more replies and I'll post the vid :)
    Mine and Mom's comments don't count ... Just a reminder.

  5. I think you should post the video. I would like to see it. I grew up in Texas and seeing scorpions was almost a weekly event, and yes we killed them! My aunt was crawling into her bed and was bit by a scorpion on her foot. It was hiding under the covers. We used to check our beds for a while after that but never saw another scorpion. How's that for a bed time story! Love ya, Gram

  6. @ Gram
    uhhh... I'm going to be checking my bed for now on ;)
    And BTW, Mine and Mom's comments still don't count... unfortunately!
    OH! and double comments by the same people don't count

  7. This is Monica Hall, and I just happen to be at Sarah's house right now. Reading your amazing blog! :) Well, Sarah thinks you should post it, and I guess...
    I do too?
