Other Stuffage

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Last Day

Today, is MY last full day here at Grand Cayman.

*Sniff sniff*

I'm excited to see my friends and start acting and tumbling again.  But, I'm going to miss the warm weather and the new friends I've made.  

During my stay here, I have developed a love for snorkeling, paddle boarding, line dancing, boating, and finding new things to see and do here.

Meanwhile, Audrey has developed a love for... Jaws?  
Yes, Audrey the three year old adores Jaws...  She is the child of no fear.

Aiden, on the other hand, has a passion for hitting things with sticks.  It is extremely rare to see him without a stick in his hand...  
And, he thinks he's a dinosaur, he's quite "ferocious".

Question of the day:
What are your passions?

Drawing anime

line dancing
paddle boarding 


 snow boarding
 goofing off 

 hanging out with friends 
 (My list could go on) 


  1. My passions are writing music, snorkeling/scuba, traveling, BBQs, pool parties, hanging out with friends, business and cars.

  2. If it helps, it's not too horribly cold here...it's no tropical paradise, but it's been a pretty mild winter so far! My favorite things include: running (depending on the day ;), Disneyland with my family, rollercoasters (LOVE them), seeing new places, swimming and Blaine and I really love to take road trips!

    1. Oh my!!!
      I totally forgot to put roller coasters on my list!!! Roller coasters are THE BEST THING EVER!!!

  3. My passions are: being a wife, raising two amazing kids, horseback riding, swimming, reading, serving others, cooking, running, and eating chocolate. :)

    1. I do too. I think a part of my soul is missing without a horse in my life.

  4. My passions are my husband, five kids, reading your blog, football, cooking, Primary, exercising, football, traveling, football, reading, eating, football, my dogs, skiing, Broadway musicals, and did I say football? :) I am excited you are finally coming home!

  5. I don't know who to play football but it's fun to watch.

    1. Are you kidding me? You don't know how to play football?!
      I don't know if I could list all my passions, but a few are writing, piano, school, computers, my iPod, FOOD, sports, parties...

  6. Well, My passions are teaching, singing, acting, dancing and pretty much anything that has to do with being creative. Not that I am good at it:)
