Other Stuffage

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Botanic Garden

Yesterday, we went to the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Gardens.

It was a large, walk-through garden.  We saw many exotic and beautiful plants, water lillies, and tropical flowers and trees.

We also saw animals like iguanas, turtles, water-birds, and snakes.  Caymanians say they don't have poisonous snakes in Grand Cayman, thank goodness!  I actually saw a snake slithering about a foot away from me!

While we were walking around the gardens, Mom spotted a Blue Iguana just sunning himself in the middle of the path!!! It was really cool!!! After that, we saw a few snakes and water-birds off the trail.

*back at house*

Dad and Audrey went for a swim in the pool.  Audrey wanted Dad to throw her "Way HIGH!!!" So Dad picked her up and threw her as hard as he could up into the air.  She 'flew' well over Dad's head.  When she resurfaced, she had the largest grin on her face (even bigger than Wendy's smile from the movie Peter Pan! ).  She wouldn't let Dad stop tossing her, and if he tried to leave, she would just flip-out.  She'll make an AWESOME flyer someday!

*Just now*

HOLY COW!!! (Moooo)  Grandma just now found a Brobdingnagian crab.  (Like my use of adjective?  Go ahead, look it up)  It was HUGE!!!  And it was in attack mode, standing on his hind legs with his claws up in the air.  Fortunately, no one was hurt.  We all escaped....barely.

Question of the day:
What is the largest crab you have seen?
I've only seen one larger than the one we saw tonight.  It is called the Tired Mommy Crab.  It can be quite deadly when provoked.  :)
Shhhhhhh!  Don't tell her I said that! :)  Love you Mom!!!


  1. I once had a crab the size of a house pinch my left arm off. Thankfully my scout skills kicked in and I sewed it back on with thread I made from a coconut husk. Then I made rope with a gazillion other coconut husks and lassoed it and trained it to let me ride it. Named him George. Then I rode it home. That may or may not have been a dream...or maaaaayyybbeee...completely made up. - Uncle Dan

    1. What!!! I totally thought that your story was real!!!

  2. Nice! I love it! We actually learned today that Caymanian women made rope out of silver thatch palm leaves. I'm really surprised you didn't use that for your lasso. It would have been much stronger. Just sayin'...

  3. Beautiful (and fun!) pictures, Alli! The Cayman Islands look like such a beautiful place. The largest crab I have ever seen was at an aquarium in California. They were Spider Crabs and were enormous! I hated even looking at them, they were creepy.

    1. IT IS GORGEOUS!!!
      I like crabs... as long as they're not in my personal bubble.

  4. Hay Al,
    Nice parrot pictures. Bats are OK. We would see the nightly in the summer when we lived in Pa. One time at Girls camp during a testimony meeting a bat would swoop down at the girls head who was trying to bear her testimony. needless to say, the bat took away the spirit of the meeting.Gram

    1. If that happened to me during testimony meeting. I would have probably been videoed and posted on YouTube. (I'd make a huge fuss)

  5. When I was a young girl, my family would go to Galveston Beach in Texas and camp out on the beach over night with some friends and we would see lots of crabs, but I don't remember seeing any really huge ones. Gram

  6. I really haven't seen any huge crabs. But, you have to remember I grew up in Sacramento so the only crabs I saw were on my plate at Grotto Number 9 in San Francisco. Oh how I love to eat dungeness crabs. :) To bad Uncle Josh hates them. :(

    1. High five to Uncle Josh!!!
      I don't do sea food.
