Other Stuffage

About me

Let me start out by clearly stating that I HATE school! Really, I detest it. I found it to be quite boring and a waste of my very precious time. So, to combat this utter obstacle of life, my dear, sweet mother decided to homeschool me. I'm still not quite enjoying it, but we are finding a lot more free time to do things that I want to do. As a result, this blog may have some pretty interesting things in it from time to time. So, be afraid. Be very afraid! (Cue JAWS music) All summer, we grew a garden and have harvested quite a bit. So, lately, Mom has been teaching me how to make lots of yummy treats with our wonderful produce. Later, during the winter, we will probably be focusing on sewing and crafts. Make sure you check back often to see what we are up to!

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