Other Stuffage

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Paddle Boarding... and MILKSHAKES!!!

Today, I got to ride the paddle boards we got yesterday... another thing to add to my "addiction" list.  The one thing that I would recommend is to learn to paddle board in calm water with almost no current... and no wind.  That would be way easier than what I'm doing... 

It has been a while since Mom and I have made something.  Dang!  I feel out of place!!!  So, to make up for it, we made a milkshake!!!  

 Ohh man!  I couldn't wait to try the small glass of complete yumminess. 

The verdict is...


How to make the Cake Batter Milkshake:

- 1 large frozen banana (as ripe as possible) 

- 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

- 1 - 2 tbs melted coconut butter

- 1/2 - 2/3 c milk

Handful of sprinkles

A Note: We didn't have a frozen banana so ours looks a little different than Chocolate Covered Katie's.

Question of the day:
What is you favorite kind of milkshake?


  1. That is so awesome that you got to go paddle boarding! It looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for the tip of trying it in calm water first. :)

    As for my favorite kind of milkshake.. I would say banana peanut butter.

    1c. Rice Milk
    2 Bananas
    1-2 Tbs of Peanut Butter
    1Tbs Honey, Agave, or Pure Maple Syrup ( You can put in as much as you like.. to your taste)
    1c. Ice
    Another ingredient that you can add if you want a little different taste is carob. Try 1 tsp first and add to it if you want a stronger flavor of carob.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Stephanie Morgan

    1. That recipe sounds AMAZING!!!
      I'll definately to try it!!!
      I love bananas and peanut butter a lot, so banana and peanut bitter together is a bonus for me!

  2. I have always wanted to try paddle boarding. Looks like you have it down, Alli! I know it is much more difficult than it looks! I love pretty much any kind of milkshake and I love malts even better!

    1. I've naver had a malt before but I've always wanted to try one.

  3. Hi! I am so glad you guys tried paddle boarding! It sounds like tons of fun. Uncle Josh loves JCW's cookie dough milk shakes, and I really just like all milk shakes, well except malt shakes.

    1. I've only had home-maid milkshakes so yeah...
      But they all sound good to me :)

  4. Paddle boarding looks awesome! I'm guessing that it really works the legs? Also, is it pretty stable or does it take much to keep it balanced? My favorite shake is a plain, old, chocolate malt. I also like any flavor of shake that has mint in it.

    1. Paddle boarding takes A LOT OF BALANCE... I just have to get the arm streangth I need now :)

  5. You look like a pro on your paddle board. I'm to old to try something like that but looks like a lot of fun.I'm going to try your milkshake. My favorite shake is strawberry.

    1. I'm actually ok at it but I could NOT be pro... it's WAY harder than it looks... plus, I was on the harder paddle board. (Yes there are different types of paddle boards.)
