Other Stuffage

Monday, January 23, 2012

Boredom, and (Line) Dancing, and Kayaking... Oh My!

*My announcer voice*
 HI peoples!!! This is the one, the only, AWESOME ALLI :)
*Crowd goes crazy*

K, sorry about that, I just had the biggest urge to do it.

Today was my only day that no one else besides my family was here visiting.  We are kind of in between guests, so I didn't exactly do anything...  It was more of a kick-back and relax day, especially compared to last week when we were constantly going places.  In addition, everything was closed because today is the Cayman holiday, Hero's Day.  During my long day of almost constant free-time, I realized I am addicted to line dancing... Why?  I have no clue.  I did the Macarena, the Bunny Hop, the Cupid Shuffle, the Cha-Cha Slide, Footloose, and Hoe Down Throw Down (I don't like the singer, but the dance is fun).  It was sooooo much fun!  I feel free to be as crazy as I want when I am dancing, and I feel alive!  I LOOOOOOVE it!

I also found that I really like kayaking.  It's way fun once you get the hang of it.  I took the kayak out this morning and paddled around a bit.  I like it because it's a challenge to get through the waves and the current... and the turtle grass.  I wish I could continue this new-found hobby when I get back to Utah, but I think it's probably pretty hard to kayak in the snow...  Oh well!  I'll live it up while I can!

Question of the day:
What's you favorite line dance?

Mine is either the Cha-Cha Slide or Footloose... even though I still don't really know how to do it :)


  1. Amos Moses! That goes back to 4-H Camp line dances in the dance hall. I don't remember how it goes anymore,but I sure loved it when I was your age!!!

  2. My favorite line dance is the Electric Slide- and probably because I can't remember how to do any other ones?

    1. Funny, Mom couldn't figure out how to do that one... can you come down and teach us?

  3. Mine is either...hmmm. Probably Footloose or some other one that I know better. He he.

  4. I really don't have a favorite line dance. They all look fun to me.Havefun
