Other Stuffage

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rum Point

Today, I spent an awesome day at Rum Point Beach.  It's called Rum Point because rum barrels used to wash up on the shore a lot from stranded ships.  And they serve lots of drinks there with rum...  I promise I didn't drink any!  Honest!!!!

The beach at Rum Point is... How do I describe this?  Alluring.  Captivating.  Enchanting.  Tantalizing.  Mesmeric.  The ocean is many shades of blue and green, and the water is crystal clear.

I could see little silver fish swimming in schools near the shore.  I tried to catch some, but it didn't work.  They must be psychic or something!  They seriously were strategizing against my sneak attacks.  I even tried jumping on them, and they STILL got away!  Seriously, they knew every move I was going to make before I even did it!

After I got tired of chasing those little suckers, I splashed and played with my brother, Aiden, my sister, Audrey, and my somewhat little sister Miaya.  We made sand castles, had water fights, and tackled the grownups... well... maybe just Angela. :)

 A little later, Dad took me snorkeling.  The fish were gorgeous!!!   We saw a variety of varicolored fish, ranging from hues of blue, green, yellow, pink, and a cool, dark purple "Dori" fish (like in Finding Nemo).  We saw three stingrays during our little breathtaking excursion.  The first time we saw one was when we reached a semi-shallow area and stood up... Little did I know that I was about to step on a stingray!!!  Good thing it move out of the way at the last minute... OH MY GOSH!!!  It freaked me out!!! One minute I was swimming when BAM! A stingray pops up!!! REALITY HITS YA HARD BRO!!! (Sorry couldn't help it!  BTW, this is one of the best videos ever if you've never seen it!)

After all that swimming and playing, we all felt pretty hungry, so we enjoyed a fantastic beach-side lunch at The Wreck Bar.  I promise I didn't get any rum, but I did get an awesome strawberry-banana smoothie and some really scrumptious chicken fingers and french fries.

I highly recommend going to Rum Point if you get the chance.  It is very laid-back compared to 7-Mile Beach... and on the complete opposite side of the island, but well-worth the drive!

Question of the day:
What is your favorite beach to go to?  Or what is your fondest beach memory?

BONUS question of the day:
What is the most interesting/odd snorkeling experience you have ever had or heard of?


  1. Fantastic report on Rum Point! Sounds like my kind of beach. My fondest memories of the beach are those in Montery CA. We would go on vacation there in the winter and early spring when we weren't skiing. It was so fun to play on the beach and collect shells. But my favorite activity was playing with the sea anemones and star fish in the coves.

  2. It looks beautiful! I am in New York City and it is pretty darn cold. Hard to believe it can be warm somewhere right now! I love the beach, I really do. Any beach in Hawaii is my favorite! The less crowded the better! I love to snorkel early in the morning when the ocean is calm and the fish haven't run away from all of the tourists and their gobs of sunscreen that leaves an icky film on the surface of the water! I once went snorkeling with a group of people from another country which I won't name, and our guide told us specifically NOT to be lots when we got into the water and NOT to swim toward the dolphins if we saw them. Epic fail on both counts! I was really bugged. They scared off everything in the ocean in about thirty seconds. I told the boat captain I would pay him to sail off without people from unmentioned country. He said he would do it for free! Ha!

  3. Oops, I meant not to be loud! I am typing this on my phone......

  4. I don't remember how nice the beach at Galveston, TX was, I just remember going there a lot when I was young. The beach we were on in Hawaii was beautiful. I've never been snorkeling. I look forward to each day when I can read about your adventures.
