Other Stuffage

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cayman Islands Day 1

Day 1 on Grand Cayman and I LOVE IT!!! The air is warm, the ocean is perfect temperature, and the view is gorgeous (for those of you at home... SUCKERS!!!).

Plus, there are a ton of really neat things to see here.  For instance, today, when Aiden and I went out for a walk on the beach, we saw a starfish eating a fish... AWESOME!!!  Well, not for the fish, though.
This isn't the fish-eating starfish

After that little discovery, Mom showed me a HUGE crab inside what looked like a conch shell (it really was that big). Unfortunately, it was dead.

Since I'm home-schooled, school stalks me like a hungry lion.  RAR!

But I don't really mind art.   In fact... I LOVE IT!!!  Before we came here, my art teacher, aka my grandma, gave me the assignment of drawing realistic art.  Not my strongest suit.  I'm good at cartooning, but NOT realistic art... especially when it come to drawing people.

But after a few goes, I finally drew two very fine looking horses.

Ok, one was a unicorn... 

And an ok-looking fairy.  Can ya tell I like fantasy?

Next time I pick up my pencil, I'm going to try to draw the scenery in our back yard.  I can't wait to come back and show off my sweet new drawing skills I'm now learning to my grandma. :)

Question of the day: 
What is/was your favorite subject in school?  Recess and lunch don't count!!! And why is it your favorite?

Also, tell me what I can do to improve my drawings!


  1. Great drawings, Alli! I wouldn't change a thing! By the way, when is your play going to be? My favorite subject in school was English. I love to read and write! You are an amazing writer. Keep up the great work!

  2. I'm so glad that school stalks you like a lion, and that you are learning a ton of new things. I love your new drawings too! Keep up the hard work!

  3. @ Sheralyn
    Thanks, but I think the only thing I would change is Charlie's slightly misshaped head. I like Reading But I don't like grammar textbooks.
    And I don't know when my play is going to be... We haven't even gotten our rolls yet. I think they are sending us the results on the 15th.

  4. @ Allie
    Thanks :)
    But my school happens to be my mother ;)

  5. Alli, I'm so jealous you are in that warm weather. It's freezing here in north Carolina! Your drawings are amazing. I struggled with art. My favorite subject was math and science. Pretty boring, I know!! Hope you all are having a blast!


  6. Things like punctuation and sentence structure have become a lot less formal and strict since I was in school.....about the time the pioneers crossed the plains......so it is more enjoyable to be able to write freely! I love how you express yourself through your blog!

  7. My favorite subject in school was English and only because it wasn't a struggle for me like math was. And since I am THE WORST artist on the planet, I am not equipped to give artistic advice ;) Seriously though, I think your drawings are fantastic!

  8. Alli,
    I think your drawings are great. Keep up the good work and do as Grandma tells you to do. She knows more about art than I do. I also enjoyed the pictures you posted. My favorite subject in school was science.

  9. I am so freaking jealous of you! Cayman looks sooo cool! My parents are also going to come and visit you around the 20th I think. Mom and Dad??? TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
    Love ya Alls!
