Other Stuffage

Friday, January 20, 2012

Stingray City Tour

Today, we had the opportunity to go to Stingray City. We took Fat Fish Adventure Tours. First, we stopped in a scuba diving spot. It was filled with exotic fish and amazing coral formations... Not to mention a few stingrays here and there. We also got to feed squid to the fish.  I was fine with the fish, but the stingray was HUGE!!!  I did not want to be even close to her, no matter how much of a "sweetheart" she was.

Any-who, after that, we left for Stingray City, a shallow sandbar in the middle of the ocean that is infested with rays.  I was too intimidated to go into the water.  I felt kind of bad afterwards, though, because everyone else went in, including the kids, and I was the only one who stayed behind.  But, it was still fun to watch everyone freak out as the stingrays came up and touched them.  They kind of reminded me of slimy underwater cats.

A little while later, Aiden started to cry because he was tired.   So, we left for our last stop, Starfish Point.  We found a BIG, FAT, RED starfish.  We took turn holding him.  Audrey and Aiden had a blast looking for starfish.  Unfortunately, Aiden started to get antsy again, so we had to leave for home. :'(

Audrey really liked her hotdog. 

I had a great time today... and maybe next year I can ease myself into the "treacherous" waters of Stingray City.

Question of the day:
What is you BIGGEST fear?

Sharks... and stingrays just happen to be relatives of the shark family.



  1. I think my biggest fear would be heights. Audrey was sooooo funny laying on that chair with her hotdog bun in her mouth.

    1. I only am scared of heights if there is no water OR if I'm not attached to a zip line

  2. Snorkeling. I hate breathing through my mouth. It gives me panic attacks knowing water could come down my snorkel, get in my mouth and drown me... Silly? Yes. Irrational? Yes. Wish I could get over it? Definite yes!!! I want to see all the pretty fish too!

    1. That stinks mom.
      That is kind of silly though...
      Especially, if you could touch the bottom.

  3. I would have to say heights and something bad happening to one of my kids are my biggest fears.
    -Dawn Sensinger

    1. I don't have kids... But I do have Audrey and Aiden so I agree.

  4. Marcus said "haunted houses, ghosts, bats, and pumpkin men". Jamie said "ghostes, owles, and ghostes and bad shadows". It was a funny conversation with them. I fear being home alone at night.

    1. I bet marcus and jamie had fun with that conversation! My biggest fear is probably to not be able to write and not writing correctly. keep up the blog and have fun!

    2. I would hate to quit writing this blog... and if it suddenly became illegal to draw.

    3. Marcus and Jamie are so cute :)

  5. I would have to say heights and small areas.-Michelle Rehrig

    1. If the small are is me smushed up against rude people then I am with you on that.

  6. Gram's biggest fears are drowning and heights. I also don't like to be alone. Keep the blogs coming Alli.

    1. I agree with you on the drowning... not good.

  7. That place is gorgeous! I've never been snorkeling, but it looks awesome! My greatest fear is really deep water. It freaks me out to not know what's down there. I'm convinced that if I was dropped into the middle of the ocean I would die of fear!

    1. If there are sharks and other stuff in the water then I don't blame you for being scared.

  8. Stingray City is very beautiful place, it is around 40 minute journey across the blue water you can imagine and the reggae tunes on board rounded out the perfect Caribbean scene. 7 Seas Cayman is best facilities packages for couple & family tours. For mor information just visit : www.7seascayman.com
