Other Stuffage

Saturday, January 21, 2012

George Town Grand Cayman

Today, we had a fun day of walking around downtown George Town and chilling at Seven Mile Beach.  While driving to George Town, we passed by a shoe-tree.  It was covered in shoes of every shape and size.  Ridonculous, I know!

After admiring the shoe-tree for a while, we finally reached George Town.  It was interesting, our first stop was the national museum.  We first watched a little video about the history of the Cayman Islands.  When that was done we walked around the museum... well... for me it was more find the kid area and goof off in there.

There was a room with this robotic dude telling you about Grand Cayman... I HATE those robotic dolls!!! They're sooo creepy!!! BUT in the kid's area there was this freaky native mask thing on the wall that was even freakier than the doll dude!!! But once I got into the dress-up department (making myself look as ridonculous as possible) I forgot about mister freak-show.

 Anywho, when we were done with the museum, Audrey and I got new flip flops!!! Audrey was having a hard time cause she only wanted the ones that didn't fit her.  But, after a while she finally settled for these pink doggie flip flops, but, I thought that she looked best in the flip flops that were white with gold butterflies on them.  As for me, I got a blue pair that had a dimond/paisley design on them.

We then left for Seven Mile Beach.  The kids and I played along the beach, splashing water at one-another.  But, we started to get hungry, so we had a seaside picnic.  Then, us kids went back to playing, and a few minutes later, Dad came back with ice-cream... unfortunately, after we had finished our ice-cream, it started to rain, so we had to leave.      



  1. Love, love, love the shoe tree. Did you ever see the shoe tree in Nevada? It was awesome, just too bad they cut it down a few weeks ago. But yhey are soo cool. By the way I love your new shoes !

    1. Man!!! You got me all excited to go to Nevada... And then... The tree is dead :'(
      That's sad... Rest In Peace tree, Rest In Peace.

    2. Josh and I are sad they cut it down. Some hater did it around the first of the month. It was a super cool site on old Highway 50. Rest in Peace Tree, Rest in Peace. Here is a cool photo of it http://www.flickr.com/photos/theorem/719645/

    3. Too cute, Big Bird! When are you guys coming home? We miss you! It finally snowed and I missed it.

    4. I miss ya too!!! I coming back either on the 30 or the 31.

    5. STUPID TREE HATER!!! Wait a second... wouldn't that be illegal to cut down that tree?

  2. Did anyone catch that I look a lot like Big Bird?

  3. Yep ya sure did! Cute flip flops!

    1. BTW you make a great giant chicken half-breed! Te he he. :D

    2. Thanks!!! I like my flip flops too... I know, Big Bird is the best!!! Well... I like Cookie Monster more though.
