Other Stuffage

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pirate Caves

On Monday, we went to some Pirate Caves.  Right when we walked in, Gill, the owner, put parrots on us for a photo moment (no extra cost). :) Even Audrey and Aiden got parrots on their heads!  There were quite a few animals there too.  We saw peacocks, fresh-water rays, turtles, goats, agouti, guinea pigs, and pigs (which Audrey and I fed potatoes to).

Then we went to the pirate cave, which had a bit of a cheesy entrance with fake skeletons, cobwebs (and real cobwebs), tombstones, etc.  Further back in the cave, we saw live bats! They startled me out at first.


Me: Dad, where are the bats?

Dad: Alli, look above your head.

Me: Aaagh!!! (As a bat came swooping down over my head)

I wasn't afraid, I was just startled.

After that little adventure, we went into the gift shop.  Audrey got a snow-globe and I got an awesome smiley-face pirate shirt that I now wear to bed.

*Back at our beach house*

EEEK! I can finally do my full splits! I was dancing around our yard and decided to try it as a dance move... and... I DID IT!!! All the way down! Yay me!!! *Insert clapping*

*Later that evening*

So we're in a nice beach house that has everything... except power.  Dad couldn't afford that part... just kidding!!! But the power went out for 2 hours, so we played games by lantern light.  Kind of fun, but I hope it doesn't happen again when I'm in the middle of MOPPING THE FLOOR!!! (Just had to get that off my chest.)

Question of the day:  Have you ever seen a bat? If so, what was your experience like?  (It can be a different cave critter, but bats are just really cool!)


  1. Awesome job on the splits! I have seen bats before. We used to take a backpacking trip to Havasupai every year. At dusk each day the bats would come out in full force. I swear they would dive straight for our heads! I didn't care for that so much :) But they were eating bugs and I hate those, so I have to give the bats some credit!

  2. @ The Hadfield Family:
    That's awesome :)

  3. When we lived in Wrightwood where your dad grew up, my kids found a bat on the ground and we named him "Batley". He was either sick or injured because he didn't live very long but it was way cool to see him up close!

    1. Poor bat :'(
      But I bet it was really cool!!!!
      I like bats!!!

  4. I think we caught one growing up once. But, the coolest were the huge ones at WDW Animal Kingdom. Those were huge, the size of cats.
