Other Stuffage

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Zucchini Muffins New and Improved

Today, I made Chocolate Covered Katie's zucchini muffins.  Again, it's even better than my zucchini muffins recipe which I thought was unbeatable... apparently it isn't. The only thing I added to the recipe were some Hershey's Cinnamon Chips... Because everything tastes better with them... well... almost everything... that would be disturbing to put them in your green smoothies or something.

Anyways, after eating dinner, I went to Young Womens.  We made baby shower presents for a lady in our neighborhood,  I helped quilt and create cute little bibs/spit-up cloths for the baby (It's a boy!).  When I finished, I hitched a ride home with one of my Young Women's leaders.  It was sooo cold outside!  Because of how cold it was, I made home-aide hot chocolate... it was so good! But, unfortunately, I can't remember what I did, I just remember that it was really good. 

Question of the day:
What is you favorite zucchini recipe? 


  1. Chocolate Zucchini Cake! My mom always makes it in the summer when the zucchini is reproducing itself in mass quantities and my mom would never dream of throwing a single one away even though she has 200 of them filling up the living room because there is no more room for them in the kitchen! Whew! That was a long sentence! Anyway, the muffin looks delicious. I need to start putting cinnamon chips in stuff.....sounds yummy! Thank you for all of the awesome cooking tips!

    1. Glad I'm getting you addicted to Cinnamon Chips... It's a good addiction to have ;)

  2. I like Crazy Apple pie made with lots of Zucchini. It fools people because they think they are eating apple crisp. Glad you are back, even though it's cold. Gram

    1. Great! You've got me craving crazy Apple Pie now!!!

  3. I like chocolate zucchini cake and crazy apple crisp, it's hard to decide!
