Other Stuffage

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mock Nutella

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Today, to celebrate the meaningless holiday we call Valentines Day, I made crepes for breakfast.  Then, later on, I made my own little Nutella, courtesy of Chocolate Covered Katie.

I call it Love Potion Number Ten because:
a) I "fell in love" with it    
b) Love Potion Number Nine is taken... and Ten makes makes it sound cooler/better/more powerful

Of course, I had to modify it a bit.  This is MY version of it:

Potion Number Ten (Mock Nutella)
(Makes about 2 cups)

  • 1 cup cashews (unsalted)
  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • 1 1/2 T pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup plus 2 T agave or sugar (A sugar-free option is noted in the directions)
  • 1 packet stevia, or 1 T more agave or sugar
  • 1/4 tsp plus 1/8 tsp salt
  • 2-3 tsp oil (Can be omitted, but it’ll be a little less smooth.)
  • 1/2 cup milk of choice (I used Almond Breeze)
  • 1/2 bag chocolate chips, melted
Roast nuts for 10-14 minutes at 420 F.  In a food processor, blend the nuts, milk, and agave until they’ve turned to butter, then add all other ingredients and blend a long time until it’s smooth like Nutella! (This will take about 2-4 minutes)
Last but not least:  Spread on toast and eat in front of some person who is dieting... JUST KIDDING!!!  Actually, it's pretty healthy if you omit the chocolate chips and use xylitol or stevia in place of the agave, but it's yummier with them.  But seriously, enjoy the yummy goodness.
Question of the day:
Why in the world do we celebrate Valentines Day?!
My answer: 
I don't know, but I do like how I get an excuse to eat candy :)                                                                                                                                                 


  1. It originated as Lupercalia, a pagan holiday, before Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. It never really went away and they changed the name to St. Valentines Day. The holiday was banned lots of times over the century and we have a very different version of what began thousands of years ago.

    1. I researched the topic and there are over 50 different legends on how Valentines day started.

  2. I don't know either, but I like Aunt Allie's thought. It is a good day to sell roses and chocolate. Gram
