Other Stuffage

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Today, I went bowling with my cousin Beckah.  I just LOVE bowling... even though I am absolutely TERRIBLE at it :)

Beckah and I had some pretty goofy pen names (for our bowling game).  Mine was: Ninja Chick.  And Beckah's nickname was: Super Fox.  These were based off the name Siri calls me: SuperMegaFoxyHotNinjaChickOfAwesomeness...  I love that name.

After our game of bowling, Beckah declared me a "Fortune Teller" because while we were goofing off, I pretended to predict the future... I was right, she won by a landslide!  The score was 80 to 70... Guess, which score is mine?... Hmnnn... I don't know... Oh yeah... I was the loser!  Go losers!!!

Right before we started bowling, Beckah and I rode the carousel... I just LOVE carousels!!! They're so much fun to goof off on!!!  I rode a gorilla, so, for the whole entire ride I pretended to be Tarzan, while Beckah had a horse.  She pretended that we were racing :)  We were sad when the ride ended, since we were having so much fun.  But getting off to go bowling was totally worth it.

Question of the day:
What is something you enjoy doing but you are absolutely horrible at?



  1. I love bowling! Sometimes I am great and the next game I can stink at it... Consistency is not my strong point with that game! I enjoy running a great deal and am good at distance running, but ask me to sprint and it's a laughing matter! I am no sprinter.

    1. Same here, consistency is not my strong point either!!! But I always get a low score... 70 has been the best score I've gotten yet.

  2. Thanks for bringing me along! I had so much fun, and I think that the little kids did too on the mini kid bowling!

    1. That was WAY cute!
      I still think i could have scored a TURKEY on the little kid bowling though.

  3. Where are the pictures? Take pictures and post them! I like bowling too but am really bad at it. Sounds like fun!!!

  4. I forgot to bring my camera that day :'(

    1. Too bad we didn't get a pic of Aiden riding the elephant on the carousel, or the ridiculous pictures that showed on the screen when we scored. Oh well! Maybe next time!
