Other Stuffage

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Alli's Milk-Free Hot Cocoa

That's right! I made up my very own recipe for the first time... and it is REALLY GOOD!

I call it:
Alli's Milk-Free Hot Cocoa

This is the recipe for the hot cocoa I was talking about yesterday.
This is a little dark but not too dark.  Trust me... I don't like dark hot chocolate, but this stuff is good!

Alli's Milk-Free Hot Cocoa

1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp xylitol
1/2 tsp (2 packets) powdered stevia
Very scant 1/8 tsp salt
1c hot water

Mix dry ingredients in a mug; then add hot water...
Now sit back, relax, and enjoy some chocolate yumminess!

Question of the day:
What is your favorite type of hot chocolate?

Peppermint hot chocolate.


  1. I pretty much like any kind of hot chocolate, as long as it is HOT! There is nothing worse than warm hot chocolate!

    1. Agreed, there is nothing worse than warm-ish hot chocolate!

  2. Hey, Alli! That sounds great! Nice recipe! I like yogi Mayan cocoa spice tea---super hot water about 2/3 full and then unsweetened almond milk in the rest of the cup. Fast (read lazy...) cocoa-like drink. Not really sweet...

    1. I love to read lazily when I have a cup of hot cocoa.

  3. Now this is a recipe I can use! Milk and I are not friends :( I'm with you on the peppermint hot chocolate.
