Other Stuffage

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Swirly Bread

As you know, yesterday Mom and I made yogurt since I was learning about bacteria.  So, today, since I learned about yeast, we made bread.

Swirly bread to be exact.  

Makes you feel sleepy, doesn't it?
I was a little nervous to eat bread after learning about yeast because, it turns out, that yeast is actually a type of fungus!  It's actually part of Kingdom Fungi.  Gross, right?!  You might think I am trying to scare you out of reading my blog, but I think it is kind of nice to be a little paranoid about what you eat.  But, if you really want to, you can eat yeast-free bread... like I usually eat... just not for that reason... In fact, I only don't eat it because it messes up my train of thought... so does gluten.  Gee, I must have had some glutinous yeast bread...

Oh well... back to the point:

We made swirly bread!!! Woohoo!!!  

Swirly Bread
Makes 4 loaves

2 c warm water
1/3 c honey 
1/3 c oil
2 c whole wheat flour 
1 Tbsp instant yeast 
1 Tbsp salt
5 Tbs gluten or dough enhancer
2 1/2-3 c flour
2- 4 Tbsp cocoa powder

Mix together first 7 ingredients for about 5 minutes.  Add in 2 1/2c - 3c flour, 1 cup at a time until bread forms a ball.  Let dough rest for five minutes.  

Meanwhile, make the recipe again, this time increasing the salt by 1/4 tsp, increasing the honey to 1/2 cup if you want it a bit sweeter, and adding 2-4 Tbsp of cocoa powder in place of some of the second addition of flour. 

Cut each dough in half.  Roll each piece out into a rectangle about 8" x 16".  

Place one layer of chocolate bread dough on top of a layer of regular bread dough.  

Roll up and tuck under the edges.  

Place seam side down into a greased bread pan.  Repeat with remaining dough. 

Place in a warm spot, cover and let rise for about 35 minutes or until double in size.  

(Night-night little sleepy bread dough!)

Place in a cold oven (yes, cold) and set oven temperature to 350 degrees F.  Bake for 30 minutes.  

Remove from oven, let cool in pans for 10 minutes, then turn out onto cookie racks to finish cooling.

Enjoy it once it is cool!

We made Cinnamon French Toast with it, which was SUPER YUMMY!!!  Nothing like a little fresh breakfast for dinner!

Question of the Day:
What is your favorite breakfast food for dinner?



  1. Mine is pancakes with eggs and bacon. With OJ to top it off.

  2. The bread looks awesome, Alli! I have the stomach flu so not much looks good right now....good job! My favorite breakfast food for dinner......German pancakes!

  3. Ooooo that looks tasty! I love bread! Dinner is the only time I eat breakfast foods and when I do, I love to make baked french toast. It is so, so, good.

  4. I love pancakes and eggs for dinner. Sometimes we will make waffles, but ya pancakes.......so good.


  5. The bread looks just like GGPa's and I bet it was great tasting. I like GGMa's Waffles for supper. Gram

    1. Haven't had those... I'll have to try them sometime!

  6. Marcus says "pancakes, waffles, french toast, and eggs". Uncle Josh would say "hash browns and bacon".
