Other Stuffage

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Homemade Yogurt

Cooked bacteria... My FAVORITE!!!  

Ok, in science I'm studying bacteria.  Did you know that your body is covered in microscopic critters, both inside and out?  Yup, it is!!  We also eat bacteria...   (Yummm...)

Now, I know you probably are ready to barf up your lunch by now (aren't you so glad you had that cottage cheese/cheese on your sandwich?)...  But please, try not to...  Because there are different types of bacteria.  There is the good bacteria, the ones in your yogurt, cottage cheese, and some of the ones inside your body (like your intestines).  These little guys help fight off the pathogenic bacteria... you know, the bad ones.

So, just for the heck of it, we made our own bacteria!  One is edible.  The other one might help you in a very unpleasant weight-loss program.

The edible one is... YOGURT!!!
I love yogurt: so yummy, and squishy, and so easy to make.

While the other one is... BAD BACTERIA!!!  I like bad bacteria.  It's so easy to make... a little too easy, in fact.

Anywho, our yogurt will be ready to devour at ten o' clock tonight, so I'm excited.
The pathogenic bacteria is... ummm... also... errr... ready.

Hmmm... I wonder which one would cause the most physical pain?
A) Yogurt
B) Pathogenic Bacteria.

I vote B.  If A is the answer, at least I die while eating something yummy.

Homemade Yogurt

1 quart milk (or 1 quart hot water and 4 servings powdered milk)
1/2-1 packet yogurt starter (or 1/2 cup yogurt)

1.  Heat milk to 180 degrees F, stirring constantly!  OR... To use up stored powdered milk, combine powdered milk with hot water in a blender.

2.  Allow the milk to cool to 104-113 degrees F.  This takes a while...

3.  Put a little cooled milk in a small cup and add yogurt starter; stir until completely dissolved; stir mixture into the rest of the milk.

4.  Pour milk into a yogurt maker, cover, and wait 8-12 hours.

5.  Put lids on yogurt and refrigerate until ready to eat.  When you are ready to enjoy it, feel free to eat it plain or add in fruit, jam, honey/agave/stevia/sweetener, etc.  Add it to cereal, oatmeal, smoothies, whatever your little intestine bacteria desire!  Go healthy gut bacteria!!!

Super simple!!!  And super yummy!!!

Question of the day:

Would you rather eat this yogurt?

Or this pathogenic bacteria (you can call it bad bacteria)? 

I vote for the yummalicous yogurt.          


  1. Ummmmm... I think I'll have to go with choice A. The one on the bottom is looking more and more disturbing as the day goes on...

  2. Yep, I vote A. Have you tried making coconut milk yogurt yet? I've seen that it is basically the same process, but you will need a different starter culture.

  3. YUM!! Looks delish. That is a project I have ALWAYS wanted to try! My brother in law puts his in the fridge overnight, I wonder if that would work as well as a yogurt maker?

    1. It needs to stay warm, so a crock pot or thermos should work. I've ne'er heard of putting it inthe fridge right away. I don't think it would culture if you did, but I guess you could try it or ask him. Let me know if you do and how it turns out!

  4. I think I will too... ·)

  5. I'm glad someone is using the yogurt maker they were given a couple years ago (I haven't used mine either in a long time. It's one of those things of out of sight out of mind). I'll break mine out and start using it again. I vote for A. Gram
