Other Stuffage

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Orange + Mango = Magnificent Smoothie

Today for lunch I had a smoothie that was sooo good... I think I might be dreaming about it tonight.  I don't really like mangoes in general, but in a smoothie I think they produce a rich flavor and a smooth, creamy texture.

The smoothie (in case you are too thick-headed to figure it out from the title), is an Orange Mango Smoothie.  It was literally the BEST SMOOTHIE I THINK I'VE MADE SO FAR!!!

The best part was that I couldn't tell that I had put a veggie in it!!!  I read that cabbage leaves don't normally destroy the taste or color of a smoothie, and guess what?!  They were right!!!  The veggie didn't disrupt the color OR the taste!!!  It was AMAZING!!!

Maybe I can somehow convince my mom to let me have only this smoothie...

Nah...  I wanna see if I can find a smoothie recipe that is even better than this one.

Orange Mango Magnificent Smoothie:

1c oranges
1c mangos
1/2 c bananas
2 cabbage leaves


Question of the day:
What is your favorite way to eat cabbage?

DUH!!!  Until now I've always hated cabbage... until this smoothie.


  1. Steamed with a little butter, salt and pepper. Mmmmm...reminds of times when I was a kid. Mom would make it sometimes for lunch. Good old comfort food!

  2. I love it in egg rolls. I honestly eat it whenever I get a chance because Josh hates it so much. Maybe it's Grams fault for making it for lunch?

  3. This smoothie sounds amazing! I love mango. I'll have to give this one a try! As for cabbage, I love purple cabbage in a salad- the more of it in there, the better!

  4. If it was spinach, I would have to say Mozzarella and spinach ravioli from Costco, but it isn't.
    I love salads - especially when it comes to Texas Roadhouse's Chef salad! I love cabbage, spinach, and lettuce in salads!
    Your smoothies look really good so far! The way your describe it just makes it do die for!
    Love ya!

  5. Easily my moms Chinese Chicken Chop salad. YUMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!

  6. I like cabbage in this Japanese noodle dish that my dad learned to cook on his mission. It's called yaki soba. other than that, I hate cabbage! Oh, and your smoothie looks super good. YUM!

  7. These all sound so good!!!
    Well... Except Mom's... That just made me wanna barf... No offense.
