Other Stuffage

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Potato Pancakes

A friend of ours gave us a big box of potatoes for Christmas.  We don't normally eat very many potatoes, so they have just kind of been shoved in the refrigerator for the past few months.

Until now.  Mom just rediscovered them.

Behold, the lowly potato...

So, now we are trying to figure out what to do with all of these very large Idaho potatoes.  Yesterday we made mashed potatoes.

Today, we tried something new for lunch:

Potato Pancakes!

That might sound a bit disturbing, but they are actually extremely yummilicious!  I wanted to eat the whole batch...  But I didn't... Mom made me stop...  So mean, Mom!!! ;)

Actually, that turned out for the better because I had the rest for dinner!  Ok, Mom, you're forgiven!

Potato Pancakes
2 large russet potatoes
1 egg, beaten
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
1-2 Tbsp flour

Grate the potatoes; drain off any liquid.  Add the egg, salt, pepper, and flour and stir until well combined. Heat about a tsp of oil in a frying pan.  Drop blobs of potato mixture into pan and fry until brown on each side.  Keep adding a little oil between batches when the pan gets too dry.  

Question of the Day:
What is your favorite way to eat potatoes?

I can't decide.  I love cheesy mashed potatoes... and these potato pancakes... and hash browns... and french fries... potato smoothie... MOM!  Get off the computer and write your own blog!!!


  1. I think mashed potatoes are my favorite. They have to be from scratch, though! Fresh hash browns are a close second (which are very similar to the latkas you made :).

  2. Gunny and Gram love baked potatoes baked in our wood burning stove. They have a different flavor and the skins are great! Gram

  3. I like cowboy potatoes with cheese and garlic on them.
