Other Stuffage

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Turks and Caicos Beaches Resort Activities

Beaches Resort reminds me a lot of Disney Land.  They have quite a few things in common.  For instance, like Disney Land, Beaches has characters that you can take pictures with.  But, unlike Disney Land, the characters at Beaches are the Sesame Street characters.  Beaches also host character breakfasts, but unlike Disney Land, you can't get their autographs... Oh well, hakuna matata.

BUT what I liked about Beaches more than Disney Land was the activities thrown at me by the teens club.  Like the time when I got to do tie dye for the first time.

That was really fun.  I was tempted to run back to my room and grab all of my white clothing!!!  There were a lot of cool designs that people created.  One kid created a tie dye heart on her shirt while her brother crafted a tie die diamond onto his.  I still think mine was cooler. :)

Unfortunately, I couldn't find my shirt when it was time to pick it up, so now I don't have it. :'(  At least I still have a picture of it.

Near the end of my stay, I got to be a balloon animal maker's assistant!!!  It was a lot of fun.  I even got some pictures of the balloons I made. 

I think I now want to be a ballon maker in my spare time.  The ballon animal maker's name was Lauren.  The first time I met Lauren was when I did a little Turks and Caicos trivia game in the pool.  She was the judge and spokes person.  And I somehow won even though I was guessing the whole time. 


Lauren: What color represents the island Providenciales?

Me: PINK!!!

Lauren:  Correct.

Me: Say what?!  I was just joking!!!

Here is another flashback;

Lauren: What is Turks and Caicos national tree? (I can;t remember how she said it, but this sounds about right) I'll give you a clue.  It starts with an H and it is a name.

Me: HEIDI!!!

Lauren: Nope.


Lauren: Correct!  Ladies and Gentlemen, was have a smarty pants in our midsts.

Me: ???

I ran into her again during her ballon animal making shift.  We started talking and I showed her how to make a ballon cat and parrot.  She taught me how to do a flower, and a few others.  What can I say, it was really fun.  To bad I might not ever see her again. :'(  Keeping my fingers crossed though.

Question of the day:


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