Other Stuffage

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tropical Delight Smoothie

Happy first day of spring!!! :)

Ahhh yes, spring is in the air.  Birds are chirping, the sun is shining and flowers are blooming...  

Well, they were blooming until Provo got a decent snow storm over the weekend.  Good thing it has mostly melted after today.

To celebrate the first day of spring, in spite of the snow, I created a little smoothie for dinner.

Yummy... Smoothies...


Except green smoothie creations my mom produces... I prefer my artichoke plain, Mom (I hate artichoke, by the way).

So, to avoid Mom's personal favorite, Artichoke-Avocado Smoothie, aka The Double-A Shot of Death, I took matters into my own tentacles... I MEAN FINGERS.

I created a healthy, yummy, and non-green (sorry spring) smoothie.  It has no veggies in it, which makes me happy...  No more artichoke smoothies for me!!!

Tropical Delight:

1c water or milk
1 1/2 c frozen Festival Blend (mango, papaya, pineapple and strawberries)
1 banana
1/4 tsp stevia

Blend together until good and smooth.  If you want it creamy, use milk or almond milk.  If you want it more fruity, use just water.  You can also adjust the stevia, using more or less, depending on how sweet you want it.

This smoothie does not contain any artichoke.  So if you wanted an artichoke smoothie, this isn't the blog for you.

Question of the day:
What is the grossest smoothie you've ever had?

Artichoke-Avocado Smoothie.  Take my advice and never try it.  And if you you want to try it, please send me a video of you drinking it.  I don't care if you make a funny face, just send it... You'll always be known as a brave soul in my book.


  1. Wow! Thanks for the idea! I've never thought of putting artichokes in a smoothie before! We'll have to try that one in the future! Sounds like you've got a good start: artichokes and avocados. Hmmmm... I think a little chard, mushrooms, wheat grass, parsley, cilantro and basil should do the trick! Yum!!! Ooh, ooh, ooh, and a grapefruit in it too! Can't wait until breakfast tomorrow!
    Seriously, though, I feel slightly attacked. :( Let's have a moment of silence for your poor, abused mother... See what I have to put up with?! :)
    Ok, the grossest green smoothie I ever made was when I tried to use up a failed collard-garlic-ginger sautee in a smoothie. Oh, that was bad. I had to throw it away. I can usually choke down some pretty nasty ones, but that one was REALLY bad! Aren't you glad I didn't make you try it?

    1. Unfortunately, we had the disturbing smoothie this morning :P

    2. Mom here: We sooooooooooooo did not!!! Yes, there was half an avocado in it, but that was split between 3 glasses, so you really had only 1/6th of an avocado, and a small one at that! Betcha didn't know it was in there! :P

  2. I think I tried using cooked spinach once, and about died. Cooked beets are horid in them too!

  3. The grossest smoothie I ever had was one I tasted that your mother made also, it was thin and very green! Sorry Heidi. Gram

    1. See Mom!!! Told ya they taste bad :)

    2. Mom here: Yeah, I think I remember telling you that you shouldn't try it either... I don't normally share the ones I make for myself for a VERY good reason! :) The ones I make for the kids are substantially more palatable than the ones I make for me.

  4. Oh Alli the green drinks are good for you the sooner you learn this the better off you'll be:P

    1. Yeah yeah I know!!!
      I feel just avocado-ey :P

  5. I don't actually know. But one of my friends and I have this joke about carrot smoothies. We will try to make them....sometime. And they will probably taste really gross.
    PS. what's stevia? sorry, my mom cooks a TON and even I have never heard of it.
