Other Stuffage

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kiwi-Apple-Pear Green Smoothie

Day two on my smoothie diet... I'M STILL ALIVE!!!

I was actually expecting to forget and eat a "normal" breakfast but instead, I actually remembered to drink a smoothie.

This sounds really weird coming from me but I feel tons better taking these healthy suckers.  They seem to give me lots more energy than normal food.  For instance, this morning I woke up completely sleep deprived (lately I've been having the hardest time sleeping), but after I had my green smoothie for breakfast, Like fifteen minutes later I felt like I just had the best night of sleep and I was completely energized.  It was AWESOME!!!

And since I'm nice,  I'm going to give y'all the recipe to my favorite smoothie I've made today.

It's really yummy!!!

... Just ignore the green color...

Aloha Apple Kiwi Smoothie
(This does have pear in it but you can't really taste it)

1c apple juice
1/2 c pears
2 kiwis
1 small cucumber

1/2 c ice
1/2 stalk of celery

I actually liked the smoothie best when I added the cucumber in!!!  Shocker, right!!!

Question of the day:
What is your favorite smoothie combination?

I have no clue... I'm still experimenting!!!


  1. I'm gonna try this!!! It looks sooooo yummy!!!
    -Amy Fallon :)

  2. Hi! My favorite smoothie is a strawberry, blueberry, pineapple, and cantaloupe mix smoothie. My dad makes at least 3 to 4 times a week and it's really good. Instead of water he puts in apple juice to give that extra fruity BOOM! It is really, really good! Your smoothie looks really good too. I'm going to have to try it sometime!

    -Kiersten Fallon :)

    1. Ohhhh!!! Yum!!!
      I'm gonna have to try that!!!
