Other Stuffage

Friday, March 23, 2012

Back Into Gardening

WHOOP WHOOP!!! Now that it's spring, Mom and I are starting to plant seeds into our garden.  It was fun to get my hands dirty and to think about all the things I can make when they start growing.

Some of the seeds looked like burrs (stickers or what ever you call them).

It's also amazing to see how small carrot seeds are.  'Cause carrots are pretty big.

I can't wait till I can start harvesting!!!

Another reason that I'm in such a good mood is because I get to see Hunger Games tomorrow!!!  My cousin and I are going to paint our nails District 12 and Capitol colors.  I'm probably going to have trouble sleeping tonight; I'm so excited.  I just hope that the movie isn't an embarrassment to nature... Or the book. I know that's asking a lot, but seriously, you pay to see a movie for a popular book, and all you get is some crap that shouldn't even be considered something based off the book.  Oh well... Keeping my fingers crossed.

Question of the day:
What is the worst movie based off a book or TV show you have ever seen?

Percy Jackson... That was terrible.
OH!!! And Avatar The Last Airbender... That was probably the worst one yet.


  1. I'm going to start some grow boxes this year. I'm excited! It'll be fun to get some of my produce from my own backyard.

    I shamefully admit that I don't read much (but would very much love it if I had more time to!), but I can tell you one of my favorite movies based off a book. Anne of Green Gables. I love both the book and the movie.

    I did, however, read the Hunger Games and am anxious to see the movie tomorrow too!

    1. The Hunger Fames was awesome!!!
      I have yet to read Anne of Green Gables though.
