Other Stuffage

Monday, March 12, 2012

Turks and Caicos Day One Teens Club

As you know from my last post, my family left last Saturday for Turks and Caicos, Island Providenciales (or Provo for short)... Hmmm... We started in Provo and ended up in Provo...

We stayed in Beaches Resort (if your kids watch Sesame Street then you probably know what I'm talking about).  Let me tell ya, if you ever have the chance to go there, GO!!!  I loved it!!!  The service was great, and I actually met new people and made many new friends, unlike most trips we've gone on.  There were these "kid's clubs" that parents would drop their kids off at.  Normally, I wouldn't want to go to those, but I basically lived at the teen club because I liked it so much. :)  

At my "teen club," there was normally always a new person to meet and make friends with.  Plus, there was plenty of fun activities to do all day long.  I really enjoyed the water slides/water park.  It consisted of four water slides, a lazy river, and a kiddie park.  My friends and I played there a lot.  We even played "Cache Cache" which is the French version of "Hide n' Go Seek" (anyone else love that game?).  Most of my friends I made were from Canada so they spoke multiple languages, including French and English.  It was fun learning to play familiar games from other cultures and learning their twists on the rules.

Question of the Day:
What is your favorite resort/hotel you have stayed at and why?

BEACHES!!!!!!!!!!!!  Why?  If you're still wondering, you obviously haven't really read my post...


  1. AWESOME!!! that looks so fun!
    Too bad you're STUCK there. I don't really know what my favorite resort would be... I like the one in Disney World that we went to, but I really enjoyed the cruise ship.
    Just wondering, what else have you been doing lately?

    1. That hotel was pretty sweet. As to answer your question: Writing my book, school, and blog.
      I miss everyone to death!!!

  2. What a fantastic experience! I believe you really had fun making new friends there, no? My family and I went to St. Lucia, and the place was just beautiful! The zipline was absolutely thrilling too! We’re definitely going back there in the future!

    Alison Spalding

  3. I can see that you're really fond of the beaches, Alli. And you remind me of my little darling. Once she put her feet on the water, she won't leave the beach until it's time to go to bed. Haha! Anyway, I wish I could hear more of your fun activities with your club.

    Darius Cartmell
