Other Stuffage

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Turks and Caicos Day 11

Day eleven here in sunny Provo, Turks and Caicos...  WOW!!! It  doesn't feel like it's been eleven days!!!  But at the same time, I feel like I have been here in "tropical" Provo for a really long time...  If that makes any sense.

Unfortunately, I'm not staying in Beaches anymore.  *Sad face*

Instead, I am now staying in Regent Grand.  It's great and all and I've made another friend but I still like Beaches a bit more.  The hotel is great and all but I like how in Beaches I felt completely carefree.  Plus, here in the Grand Regent hotel we have a better view of the ocean.  Ocean smocean!  I want to have fun!!!  And go back home.

I miss experimenting in the kitchen.  I think that as soon as I get home I'm going to bake something...  If we have anything in the fridge.

Dreaming... Just dreaming...

Question of the day:
What should I bake when I get home... perhaps I'll share some...

I have no idea.  But what ever it is, it's going to be good. :)


  1. Raw Chocolate Pudding- http://blog.livingearthbeauty.com/2009/12/recipe-raw-chocolate-pudding-and-the-truth-about-raw-cashews/

    1. Okay I changed my mind: Try Coconut Lemon Meltaway Cookies- 100% raw and good for you http://www.addictedtoveggies.com/2011/10/coconut-lemon-meltaways.html

  2. How about these delicious looking cookie dough truffles. Love cookie dough!

  3. I'd do any of the Bird on a Cake Blog cakes, but especially the Rainbow Tye Dye Cake:

  4. OHHHHHHHHH MAN!!! Those all sound (and look) sooo good!!!

  5. This blog is one of my favorites for yummy treats. http://picky-palate.com/

  6. Angela wants banana bread with cinnamon chips. But I think something green for St. Patrick's day. Green smoothie? ;)

    1. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      If anything it'll be probably green eggs and ham at the closest!!!
      And tell Angela that that sounds good...
      Decisions decisions!!!

    2. C'mon: dandelion, kale, collards, arugula, and some kiwi and green grapes and lime for a little sweet green stuff. Sounds delicious!!! ;)
