Other Stuffage

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Turks and Caicos MADNESS

Last week, my family embarked on a little adventure trip to Turks and Caicos.  Turks and Caicos is a series of small islands in the Caribbean (but it's not the same as the Cayman Islands).  We stayed at Beaches Resort which was probably the best (if not one of the best) hotel we've ever stayed in.  (I'll talk about our stay in my next post.)

We were supposed to come back from our trip yesterday.  BUT, the local fire department went on strike, so all flights were cancelled, both coming in and going out of the airport.  And now, we are now stuck here on a little island for at least another four days!!!  I'm not complaining about it, but I'm just a little homesick since we haven't been home for almost three months now!!!

Back to the airport situation:

The airport was I-N-S-A-N-E!!!  I feel bad for anyone who was claustrophobic.  There were literally lines of people snaking out and around the airport trying to either get on their flight or trying to rebook it because it was cancelled.  Some people were even trying to cut the lines but were sent back by the security (Go Team Security!!!).  There was one guy who cut in front of us but got caught, and when he was told to go to the back of the line, he started getting mad at the security guard (I'm going to start calling security guards SGs...  My heart goes out to them for this.  I would've hated to be in their place that day), but the SG calmly countered the man saying that all the people behind him were dealing with the same thing as him.  I also feel bad for the people at the counter.  They were dealing with frustrated people who were probably ready to shoot someone (not really though).

And a little later, things got so out of hand that the airport got a little visit from the news.  Meanwhile, others were pulling out cameras, iPhones, and iPads to take videos of the chaos (I wonder if you'll find any of the videos on YouTube?)!!!

Question of the day:
What's your airport "horror" story?

This was my worst experience.  But one story that I heard is that a lady's sixteen-year-old daughter was flying in a plane from Atlanta to Turks and Caicos (this was just yesterday!!!) and right when her plane was about to land, the fire department went on strike.  So her plane was circling in the sky for a good hour and then had to flight back to Atlanta!!!  Now, she is in Atlanta with no place to go, completely alone, and doesn't know what to do!!!  (Scary huh?)  Glad that wasn't me, but I still feel really bad for her!


  1. Well, when we lived in Texas, we were going to come out to Utah to visit you guys, and we missed our flight. Our flight was at 10:00 am, and we got onto our plane at 7:00. Nuff said.

  2. I haven't had an airport horror story...yet. Can't wait to hear more about your Turks and Caicos adventure!

    1. It's ok not to have an airport "horror" story yet.

  3. Wow, Alli! What an adventure you are having! I had a kind of scary airport experience in January as I was headed to NYC. A guy ahead of me in the security line had a gun in his bag and tried to get it through security. The SG who was looking at the screen and saw it called for backup and all of a sudden this guy was surrounded. He didn't look very upset or nervous but all of us in line behind him sure were. They made us go to a new security line which meant I had to go to the back of the line and start all over again. The screen showing the gun was in view as I put my bag on the conveyer belt so I could see it plainly. Kind of scary, but I am guessing this guy carries a gun on a regular basis and forgot to take it out.....at least I hope!

    1. That is scary!!!
      Hopefully the guy did mean to take it out but forgot.

  4. Post pictures please! And I haven't had an airport horror story yet. But I will be flying to Tokyo in May, and that's pretty scary!
