Other Stuffage

Monday, March 26, 2012

My Smoothie Week: Day One

This morning I decided that I am going to do an all smoothie diet!!! 

I think that it's going to be fun... as long as I can avoid the gross smoothies.... Glop, glop...

When I first asked Mom if I could do the diet, I was afraid that she'd make me overload them with veggies.  Much to my surprise, she's letting me make them as long as I put in a little bit of veggies.  I did do a bit of research on the art of green smoothies.  I learned about some of the different veggies I could use and why it's really important to use different veggies rather than always relying on just spinach as my green.

My goal is to try it for one week.  If all goes well, I'll try it for another week.  And if it continues to go well, I'll keep doing it, though I'll probably start phasing in some non-smoothie meals.  Hey, I still want to cook!

I just want to try to lose the weight I gained from all the all-you-can-eat buffets at Beaches.  Curse you buffets!!  You are just too yummy!  Anyone else struggle to stay away from the pastry and ice cream section?

I also think that it will help me have better eating habits.

Hmmm... let's think about that.  Who really wants to drink a blended up grilled cheese sandwich?

Any takers?

I thought not...  Get my point?

I started today.  I had one as an afternoon snack and made a pretty good one for dinner while the rest of my family dined on chicken curry, broccoli and rice.

Banana-Almond Delight

1 cup almond milk
1 banana
1/8-1/4 tsp stevia

Blend it up in a blender.  It was uber-yummy!

Strawberry-Banana Blast

1 cup almond milk
2 bananas (1 frozen)
4 large strawberries
1 handful red leaf lettuce
1/2 -1 Tbsp xylitol (or 1/8-1/4 tsp stevia)

Blend together.  If you want it colder, use all frozen fruit.
This one wasn't quite as good as the Banana-Almond Delight, but it was pretty good considering it had lettuce in it.

Challenge of the Week:
Surprised you, didn't I?
I challenge you to make at least 1 green smoothie a day and tell me how you feel at the end of the week.

To make them more palatable, use more fruit than greens.  A pretty good-looking site my mom uses is Incredible Smoothies.  She lists TONS of smoothies and ideas on there.  I'm planning on trying some from there as well as from our Jamba Juice Smoothie book (without the ice cream or juice--unless I squeeze it myself)... and experimenting on my own!

Also, PLEASE share this blog with your friends.  Let's work to make a healthier world!  C'mon, who's with me?!s

Question of the Day:
What is your favorite smoothie combination?

Anything from Jamba Juice!


  1. Vacation time is rough on the old diet. But that's why it's called a vacation, right??? That's what I tell myself- it makes me feel better. My favorite smoothie...get ready for it...is McDonald's (GASP!) Mango Pineapple smoothie.

    1. Yes, vacation is a hard time.
      And I've never had it... Sounds interesting.

  2. I love smoothies! These look awesome! I am going to try your strawberry Banana Blast today, as I have all the ingredients on hand. Thanks for the post. You are AWESOME Alli!!!
