Other Stuffage

Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Christmas Treat Plan

Sorry about the wait, folks, but life has been quite busy.  You know how life can get after a trip and a red-eye flight, taking a week off from school...

BUT, I am repenting and back on track... with a vengeance... :)

This morning, I took my first shopping trip for supplies, using only my hard-earned money.  I went to Hobby Lobby, and let me say, no matter how many times I go there, I'm always amazed at the endless selection of stuff.

Lots and lots of stuff.

But FUN stuff! 

I had all kinds of ideas running through my head as we walked through the isles, but Mom kept me focused-ish...

While shopping, I learned how to look for a bargain.  I also learned how to cost-compare and figure out the cost/unit.  Gee, I guess mental math really does come in handy.  This will be really good practice!  OR, I could sneak my calculator into my pocket... :-)

I am so psyched for Christmas, so I am getting into the Christmas spirit by making some Christmas goodies.  I've got almost the whole month planned out:

First: Peppermint Cake Balls and Santa Hat Cake Pops.

Next: Santa Sugar Cookies, lip balm and body butter.

The week before Christmas, I'll make:

...Drumroll please...

Gingerbread Heads!

And Pumpkin Squares...gotta love 'em!


  1. Alli--this looks like it could keep you out of trouble for a good little while.... :) Are you going to post amazing pictures of the finished products? And then wouldn't it be awesome if you could also post a table figuring out the "cost per unit" of each final item.... I always wonder about that :).

    Anyhow, you're darling. And I'm thinking I just saw you going out the door at the Timpview Benefit concert on Wednesday? How did you like it? Did you have any favorites? I think my favorite was Matthew Baird singing with his bass, closely followed up by those amazing and lovely girls at the end singing "Prayer for the Children." What about you? :)

  2. So much fun! It sounds like you have a great plan for Christmas treats. Are you going to throw a Gingerbread house in the list too?

  3. @ Nancy Wilson
    You were there too!
    MAN! I missed ya :'(
    I think my favorite was "Baby It's Cold Outside"

    No, I'm not allowed to throw Ginger bread Houses at my house.

  4. Alli I love reading your blogs! Your personality totally comes through your writing!!! Do I get some of your yummy christmas treats?!?

  5. @Amanda- maybe... if the price is right... :) Just kidding. Yes!
