Other Stuffage

Monday, December 5, 2011

Cake Balls...Part 1...

I began my Cake Ball experiment today.  Whew!  It's turning out to be a lot more work than I originally expected, and I've learned a few things along the way.  

Good thing I actually baked and formed all the cake balls in advance last week when I had a little more time!  We made Candy Cane Cake Balls and Mint Brownie Cake Balls.

Lesson #1:  When crushing candy canes, don't bother trying to roll them nicely.  Just hack away at them and take out all pent-up frustration on them!

Lesson #2:  When melting chocolate, use a double boiler.  Or if you have to improvise like we did, do not allow the metal bowl to touch the boiling water...  If you do, be prepared to work with some really clumpy, thick chocolate.  Not fun...

Lesson #3:  If you want a perfect, smooth chocolate coating, dip the cake ball with a toothpick, shake off the excess chocolate (while doing the chocolate shaking dance) and allow it to dry upside down in a piece of styrofoam.

Stay tuned for the final results tomorrow!  It's decorating and packaging day!!!

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