Other Stuffage

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Little Set-Back...

This is the Heidi part of Heidi's Alli filling in for Alli today.  I'm more commonly known as "the more boring part" of the team... aka Mom...

We have had the stomach flu going around our house since last week, and today is Alli's turn.  Needless to say, she has not been sewing her Kariza today.

But I have!  I decided to sew Audrey's (Alli's little sister) as a trial run so that Alli's will hopefully go more quickly and smoothly.  I have definitely learned a few things along the way.  I think I would have caused a few tears if Alli had been doing all the work...

Tip #1:  Before you begin to sew, make sure to buy or borrow either a serger or a rolled hem foot for your sewing machine.  If you are going to serge the edges, make sure you buy multiple spools of thread for your fabric!  The couple extra bucks will save you several hours of time.
Yes, hours.
Personal experience.

Tip #2:  Be sure to buy enough of one of the fabrics to sew 3 yards worth of bias strips OR buy bias tape and NOT the pretty satiny quilt binding material...

I think we'll need to go back to the fabric store tomorrow...

Tune in tomorrow for the Tutorial!  I promise we'll get it posted... barring some catastrophe!!!  Sorry for the delays! :)

I would post pictures of today's work, but... my photo program is being temperamental... grrr....
Guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow!

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