Other Stuffage

Monday, December 19, 2011

Kariza Time



I can't believe it! I asked for 15 comments or more, and I got about 18 (minus mine)!
Maybe I should have raised the comment bar higher! Mwhahahahahaha!!!

I feel sooo happy that people actually take time to read my blog.  The main reason I set this comment challenge up was because I really like it when you guys comment and have something to say.  

Now I see that people really do read my blog and care, and it makes me feel really happy right now... a little too happy in fact!

Anyway, to begin my epic journey on the countdown to Christmas, I bought my Kariza fabric today.  Let me just say, that I'm SOOOO glad that I didn't get one in Hawaii.  No joke, I think I spent only $45 on the fabric for all three of the dresses I'm going to make!!!  

$45 for three Karizas vs $80 for one Kariza... 
Hmmm... let me think about that... DONE!

Ok, so my fabric was all 40% off... BUT STILL!  Even at full price, they would still cost less than the ones at the kiosk.  I'll start sewing the Karizas tomorrow.
I'm so excited for my Secret Santa to see his... I mean hers!  Just kidding! My Secret Santa is a girl. :)

Tune in tomorrow for the tutorial on how to make a Kariza :)


  1. @ Lyndi
    Thanks! I like them too :)
    The fabric for my Kariza is the first photo...
    I love Jo Anne fabrics!!!

  2. I think it's great that you're sewing! I hate to sew, but my daughter loves it! She got a sewing machine for her birthday this summer (age 10). At first, I thought she wasn't old enough for one, but she really only asked for two things: either a sewing machine, or a baby sister. I'm sure you remember relating to THAT one! Well, she has 3 younger brothers and a sewing machine!
    Good luck!!

  3. Let me know how they turn out! I may have to make one as well!

  4. I'm excited for mine...
    I think I just might wear it every sunday :)
