Other Stuffage

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Body Butter

Next in the skin care line-up...  Body Butter!

Like the lip balm, it was really pretty simple to make, and I LOVE how it makes my hands feel!

We experimented with two different types of body butters: a Melted Body Butter and a Whipped 
Body Butter.

The Whipped Body Butter was the quickest and easiest to make, so we made a lot more of those.  I love this product because it is really smooth and adds a lot of moisture to your skin.  But, beware, a little bit goes a long way.  It actually melts on your skin before soaking in, leaving your skin a bit greasy feeling for about a minute.  But if you have "alligator skin" in the winter time, it really makes your skin soft and smooth.  
It was really fun to experiment with different essential oils to mix for the scents, but we finally narrowed down the choices to:
Wintergreen-Clary Sage
Citrus Bliss (my all-time favorite)

The Melted Body Butter took quite a while since we had to wait for all the solid stuff to melt together, and it did not make very much.  BUT, a little bit goes a long, long way and it is awesome for dry, chapped skin because the beeswax really coats your skin and seals in the moisture.  Again, we had fun experimenting with scents, but chose to make:
Citrus Bliss
Mexican Hot Cocoa

Here are the recipes:

Whipped Body Butter
14 oz Shea Butter
5 oz Coconut Oil
Essential Oils

Combine shea butter and coconut oil and whip for 6-7 minutes in an electric mixer on medium/high.  Spoon into jars and stir in 5-6 drops of essential oils for 4-oz jars and 2-4 drops of essential oils for 2-oz jars.

Melted Body Butter (aka Coconut Butter Body Moisturizer)
2 Tbsp Beeswax
2 tsp Distilled Water
4 oz Cocoa Butter
4 Tbsp. Sweet Almond Oil
2 Tbsp. Coconut Oil
10 drops Essential Oils*

Melt the beeswax over low heat with the water.  Spoon in cocoa butter and blend.  Gradually blend in oils.  Pour into containers (makes about 6 oz total) and stir in essential oils.  It will thicken as it cools.

*For the Mexican Hot Cocoa, we added Cinnamon Essential Oil.  The cocoa butter makes it smell a bit like chocolate, so it smelled like a cinnamon hot chocolate.  Yummy!!!

Again, these are for sale, so leave me a comment if you are interested!

Prices are:
2-oz Whipped Body Butter:  $3.00
4-oz Whipped Body Butter:  $5.00

2-oz Melted Body Butter:  $5.00
4-oz Melted Body Butter:  $9.00


  1. Hey, I'm interested! The Mexican Hot Cocoa Melted Body Butter sounds so yummy. Can I get 1 9-oz jar and two 2-oz jars of that?

  2. @ ssalgy
    I only have one 4 oz and one 2 oz jar left of that.
    But I do have other scents of the whipped kind.
    How about I bring them by tomorrow.
