Other Stuffage

Friday, December 2, 2011

My Good News

Clearly, I have ALWAYS been into acting!
Hey y'all! So, today wasn't exactly eventful (Friday= test day), so, I'm gonna tell ya what's kickin in my life so far. :)

Yes, I was born to be a star!
My acting group, called General Ruckus, is doing the musical Thoroughly Modern Millie, and the tryouts are on my birthday!  I really wanna be Mrs. Meers :)...  But, if I don't get that part, I want to be Ms. Flannery (I think that's her name).  I wish that I could just go up to the audition judges and say, "It's my birthday today, so just give me my dream part and I'll be out of you hair for the day.  Thank you! :)" But of course, that is cheating.  My General Ruckus Christmas show is on the  next two consecutive Tuesdays. :)  Come see me if you can!  I'm the most awesome one... ;-)

My birthday is coming up, and I am planning a Wipeout birthday party!  Wipeout is, by far, the best show on the planet.  I'm planning on making a Wipeout obstacle course for my cake.  What flavor should I make it?  Poppyseed or chocolate?  



  1. Alli! I adore you!!! I will always adore you! You have so many gifts & talents, above all - the gift of kindness & loyalty to your family & friends. I will always remember that about you. I feel so blessed to have been your 2nd grade teacher. You certainly made a huge impact in my life. What are your most favorite interests? I look forward to seeing all the great & exciting things you will continue to accomplish in your life! I wish you all the best! -Amy Fallon :)

  2. Thanks Mrs. Fallon! I miss you too!!! My interests are cartooning, cooking, tumbling, reading, acting/musical theater, but definitely NOT math! :) How's Kiersten?

  3. So December got away from me. I have had so much fun reading your blog. Your drawings of horses/unicorn reminded me of the terrific story you wrote in second grade about horses. You were always such a great writer. I could learn a lot from you!!! Kiersten is doing well. I will have her sign in on your blog & she can up date you. I look forward to reading more of your amazing writing...and trying out your great recipes! Any particular great book recommendations?

  4. sorry about the "unknown." I'm not sure what happened.

  5. Ummmm... Your the awesome one??? Ok... I see how it is...
