Other Stuffage

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mock Burt's Bees Lip Balm

I'm currently DONE with cake balls and onto developing my own skin care products!  

Beginning with lip balm!  

I LOVE Burt's Bees, but my wallet does not...

Anywhooo, to remedy this problem, I am making my own version of Burt's Bees lip balm, personalized just for me.  

It's really quite simple and inexpensive.  In a matter of one and a half hours, I whipped out 25 of the little suckers, with a little help from my LOVELY assistant Sarah. 

It took 5 simple ingredients:

1.5 ozs of beeswax 

1 oz of coconut oil 

0.8 ozs of sunflower oil

10 - 20 drops of Vitamin E oil

10-20 drops of essential oils 

Melt all the ingredients over very low heat except for the essential oils.  We microwaved it on 50% power in 30-second intervals, stirring after each one.

Remove when heated through and then add the essential oils.  We are DoTerra fans.  They smell the best!

Pour into lip balm tubes, let harden, label and seal.

This is what we learned:

For beeswax, pearls may be helpful.  I had a 1-lb block of it, and Mom had to hack away at it with a knife to chop small pieces off.

Work QUICKLY!  The liquid solidifies pretty quickly, but you can always re-melt it easily.

Cover your work area with newspaper.  Cleanup is a little messy...

Feel free to experiment with the essential oils.  We finally decided to make some with lavender oil, some with peppermint oil, and some with a combination of lemon and grapefruit.  But the possibilities are endless!  Use less of stronger oils like peppermint and more of milder oils like lavender.

I LOVE the finished product!  It is just as good as Burt's Bees, but now I get to choose my own scents!!  My mom loves to rub some of the leftover scraps on her hands and swears that the cracks on her hands are healing after only 1 day!  It's pretty great stuff!  

Of course, I am selling these wonderful creations, so let me know if you want some and what kind you want.  

They cost $2.00 per container.  A lower price than Burt's Bees... and made by me with local beeswax (from Cox honey)!  I will deliver them/ship them on Wednesday.

Leave a comment to order, and leave a comment about how you like it after you've tried it.  Or just leave a comment just because you care! :)


  1. Um, WOW! To say that I'm impressed would be a major understatement! I know that my girls would LOVE to do this with you sometime! You are amazing, Ali!

  2. Hi Alli,

    I would like to order 12 of these, if you have that many available. I think they would make a great gift for my daughters and my Laurels. I am happy to pick them up at your home so you won't need to deliver them.

    Thanks, Tammy Tolley

  3. I love your blog Alli! And this is so cool. I love it. I can't believe I used to babysit you. Keep up the fun writing on this blog. I would love to buy 2 of these. I think I would want to try one peppermint and one of the combination lemon/grapefruit. Both sound amazing. I would love to come pick it up so I can give your mom a Christmas card. Just have her message me on facebook when they are ready.

  4. @ Tiffany:
    Yeah! Totally! I'm around for Christmas break send them over :)

    @ Tammy:
    Okie dokie...
    Any specific scents or just an assortment?

    @ Michelle:
    OK I'll tell my mom...
    Peppermint and Lemon Grapefruit are my favorite too :)

  5. Hi Alli,

    Lemon grapefruit if you have enough! If not, an assortment would be fine.

    What time do you want me to pick them up?

    Thanks, Tammy
