Other Stuffage

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Abort! Abort! Change of Plans!

Mom and I are headed for the Loony Bin again if we continue at our current pace (never said I haven't been there before).

After the Santa Cookie madness, we decided not to do any more cookies until things have settled down a bit.

HOWEVER, we are still going to make the Pumpkin Bars (I LOVE THEM!!!).  Let me know if you are interested in buying some.  They are super yummy!  They will be $12/pan (12"X15") or $1/square (1/12 of the pan).  I can have them ready for your Christmas party!  Just let me know when you want them delivered! :)

Since it's almost Christmas, I decided that I better hurry up and make my Christmas presents.
I'm planning on making Karizas for my Secret Santa, Audrey (my little sister)... AND ME!!! :)
I saw some in Hawaii and automatically fell in love with them... but I didn't want to spend $80 on one...
Not gonna happen...

Then, I hope to make Audrey a matching Ruffle Skirt.

And maybe a cowboy quilt for Aiden.

I still think that I'm gonna be in the Loony Bin by Christmas!  

Oh, yeah...  One more thing:
I will post the Pumpkin Bar recipe ONLY if I get at least 15 comments to this post.
Do you want the recipe?
The recipe is THAT good!
I'm not giving out freebies anymore unless I know you really appreciate me! :)  Pass the blog along and get your friends, relatives, pets, etc. to comment.
I'm not going in the Loony Bin for nothing!!!
I'm bringing you all with me!  You ready?!!!


  1. I'll post for recipes! Alli you rock! My momma loved her body whip. I love mine as well!

  2. I want that recipe! And please don't think you are the only person working on Christmas gifts still. I still have Marcus' and Janie's fleece blankets to finish, a Christmas quilt to bind, and pj's to iron so they look perfect.

  3. You can't take somebody to the loony bin if they're already there (I was looooong ago)! I love reading your blog. You have such a great sense of humor and an amazing talent for writing!

  4. @ The Hadfield Family
    Join the club, I lost it long ago to...
    Go crazy people!!!
    (my comments don't count... neither do my Moms!)

  5. I love your blog! It's so cute and creative! I also like how you guys have tried to make a lot of things healthy. I have to put in a good word about your bony butter and lip balms. Those babies have done wonders!!!
    I'm so glad I found this sight and look forward in making the AMAZING pumpkin squares you're raving about!


  6. You guys are awesome with all the fun things you are creating all the time!!!! I love to see what you'll whip up next. Looney bin or not, it just seems like a ton of fun! And thanks for sharing on your blog!

  7. Alli you are smart and funny just like your mom! Next time we visit Utah I need to get some of that lip balm and body butter (right now I'm using just plain organic coconut oil for lotion ... great in the winter, but a runny mess in the summer). I am almost finished with my first sewing project (bell bottom ruffle pj's for my kids) you are SO LUCKY that your mom taught you to sew at a young age it is addicting good fun!

  8. Hey! It's me Camilla! I read just about all your posts! You guys are so crazy for making so many sweets! I wouldn't be able to sell anything before I ate it all! I would totally buy some from you. But I'm guessing you don't deliver to salt lake! But next time you're close to the gateway, give me a call and you're welcome to drop off treats anytime! And say hi. :) I miss you guys! Glad you're having fun! Ps. I totally paid $50 for one of those skirts in Vegas one time and you're so right to just make it yourself! Can't wait to see the finished product! Pss I can't believe how big aiden and Audrey are getting! :) miss you guys!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

  9. Hey crazies! I want the recipe please?!? I love the pics BTW! And soon you won't feel crazy because Christmas will be over and you'll be BORED! (((maybe)))

  10. ....that last unknown comment was from me...

    Amanda :-)

  11. I hope you get the 15 comments. Pumpkin bars sound delish and I have a can of pumpkin with no recipe for it. You also have some ambitious projects in the works! I have faith, you'll get 'em done before the week is over. I look forward to seeing how they turn out, don't forget to post the pics. Merry Christmas!

  12. Thank you for the recipe for the Peppermint Cake Balls. I didn't have the extract, but we put crushed up candy canes in ours and they were OK. They were way too much work to dip though and mine didn't look all round and beautiful at the end. Hopefully I can remember to not make them again! I'd love the pumpkin recipe. Anything pumpkin is good, although I never tried to make your soup. It also sounds like you've got your dad's entrepreneurial gene. (Rebecca [Carr] Ordonez)

  13. Your doing a great job alli. The pumpkin bars were so good. Keep going strong and keep adding cool recipes. Love it all.........Steve

  14. So fun to watch your crazy doings, Alli. Tell your mom that the loony bin will make her eat meat, so it's best to stay sane.

  15. One more comment and I'll post the recipe...
    Mom's and my comments still don't count sorry peoples.

  16. @ Malla
    I miss you too.
    Audrey misses you a ton. Whenever my mom says that we're going to have someone baby sit Audrey says, "Awi! Camiwa is coming!" It's way cute!
    (again mom's comments, and my comments don't count!)

  17. What a great blog Alli! You are quite cook! Looks like you and Heidi have a great time together! Merry Christmas! I will have to try this recipe!

  18. I know your mom and dad from way back in their BYU days. We homeschool too! I love reading your posts, and would love "the" recipe.

  19. Love the lip balm, body whip and Santa cookies. You are awesome, Alli! So fun to see you and your mom create wonderful things!

  20. You are adorable!! Can't believe all the things you have been up too! The pumpkin recipe sounds YUMMY!!! Miss you see you!!

  21. @ Meg
    I miss ya to!!!
    And yes, the recipe IS extremely yummy!!!
