Other Stuffage

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Peanut Butter Balls

Today, we went to the beach and came home hungry! So, what does a hungry girl make when she is hungry?  Peanut Butter Balls!  It's the perfect, little snack that is super quick and easy to make.  I've gotten everybody addicted out here. :)

I grabbed my buddy Alexa and we got to work immediately!

All you need is three simple ingredients:

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup honey

1 1/2 cup oats

First, mix together peanut butter and honey until good and creamy.  

Add in oats and stir well.

Roll into little balls and eat them before anyone else knows... 
HEY! You made them, you deserve them!
After eating a few peanut butter balls... okay, maybe a lot... I felt super-charged and ready to practice my cool tumbling warmups and realized that I can almost do a full split! Yay me! :) Yay peanut butter balls! :)

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