Other Stuffage

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Inside Out Pumpkin Cookies and Pumpkin Pancakes

Day 4:  Today was pretty exciting!  We cooked up some more pumpkin puree (the pumpkins on the porch are slowly disappearing...) and made pumpkin pancakes for dinner and pumpkin cookies for dessert! :)  Actually, I suppose we really had cookies for dinner and pancakes for dessert... but isn't that the way it should be?

Besides, the cookies are pretty healthy.  Once again, I consulted Chocolate Covered Katie for a little healthy dessert inspiration, and found these "Inside Out" Chocolate  Pumpkin Cookies.

Sorry, we don't have any to share...  It was a test batch and turned out really yummy, but very flat.  I think next time we'll decrease the oil, because the batter was way too wet.  MAYBE when I perfect them I might share.  But that's a BIG MAYBE... :)  We wound up making mostly pumpkin volcanoes instead of "Inside Out" Cookies because the batter was so gushy.  Oh well, either way they are really yummy!

Next, we made my all-time favorite pumpkin pancake recipe that I learned from cooking class.  It is especially yummy with Orange Butter or Magleby's Syrup on top, though neither of those are healthy whatsoever!

Pumpkin-Orange Pancakes With Orange Butter
1 large egg
1/2 cup almond milk (or buttermilk)
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1 tsp grated orange peel
1/2 cup orange juice
1 Tbsp oil or melted butter (we left this out)
2/3 cup spelt flour (or white, wheat, whatever you want to use)
2/3 cup cornmeal (can also substitute flour)
2 Tbsp sugar (can use honey, xylitol, etc.)
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt

1. Whisk together the first 6 ingredients in a large bowl.
2. Combine the rest of the ingredients in a medium bowl.
3. Add dry ingredients to the pumpkin mixture and stir until blended.
4. Heat a griddle over medium heat.  Brush lightly with a little oil.  Spoon a generous tablespoon of batter per pancake onto the griddle. Cook about 2 minutes on each side, or until browned and cooked through.
5.  Serve with Orange Butter or maple syrup... or Pumpkin Butter for extra pumpkiny flavor!

NOTE:  This recipe is WAAAAY better with fresh squeezed orange juice and zest.  Frozen concentrate just isn't the same!

Orange Butter
4 Tbsp butter at room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar
2 tsp grated orange peel

Beat until smooth.  Serve at room temperature.
This can be made ahead of time and refrigerated up to 5 days.  Super yummy!

FYI: Mom made me stick to plain old maple syrup, so the orange butter is not shown...  It's like spreading frosting on your pancakes!  Mmmmmmmm....


  1. These sound ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!!! Are you going to cook for me Alli when we go to Hawaii? ;)

  2. YUM-IE!!! Maybe you can make some when we are in Maui?!?

  3. I might :)
    that sounds fun!
    I <3 cooking
