Other Stuffage

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Good Riddance Pumpkin!

I am sooo sick and tired of eating pumpkin 24/7!  I liked Pumpkin Week at first, but towards the end of the week I was really ready to be done.  Hmmm...I wonder how long it will take for me to turn orange?
I tried to eat pumpkin bread pudding last night, but I just couldn't take it anymore.  Mom suggested making pumpkin brownies today, but I said, "No!  Enough pumpkin, already!"  Note to self: Don't eat straight pumpkin for a whole week!  Unless it's a matter of survival.  Even so, I've learned that variety is definitely the spice of life!  And not just pumpkin spice!
HELP!  My face is becoming a pumpkin stem!
This week, I'll be eating a variety of foods... but probably not any pumpkin...  Well, maybe a couple of pumpkin bars.  Those were my absolute favorite, probably because we didn't healthify them... :)
This week I'll be working on a really cute skirt, so I'll keep you updated on how I'm doing it!  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I think you should make Monkey bread. But I vote for no nuts :-)
