Other Stuffage

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

All Things Pumpkin Continues... Pumpkin Bars

Day 2:  I finally got some ideas from my neighbors about what to make with our mountain of pumpkin mash.
We concluded that we'd begin our little pumpkin journey of yumminess by making Pumpkin Bars With Cream Cheese Frosting. YUM, YUM, YUM!!!  While we were at it, we decided to also make Pumpkin Bread With Chocolate Chips.  Unfortunately, we greased the pans but didn't flour them, so the bottoms stuck...  Oh well, more for me to eat since we only give pretty goodies away.  Mwhahahahaha!!! 
When the pumpkin bars were cool, we frosted them and made them look all fancy-ish.  I even drew an AWESOME turkey face on one! :)  The rest weren't nearly as cool as my turkey.  They were all just boring pumpkins, leaves, and sparkly stars.  To conclude our pumpkin adventure for the day, we started some Pumpkin Butter in the crock pot to cook overnight.  It's been a pumpkin PARTY at our house today.  Best part is that it will still smell super yummy in the morning when I wake up!

We still have lots of extra pumpkin pulp, so PLEASE send me your favorite pumpkin ideas... or I'll beat you into pumpkin pulp... just kidding I'll have someone else do it for me. ;) 


  1. Pumpkin cheesecake! I'm just sayin'. :)

  2. Pumpkin cookies or muffins you could freeze these.

  3. Pumpkin soup!


  4. everyone
    yeah we'll have to take your advice!!!!!!!
