Other Stuffage

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Ruffle Skirt.... DONE!!

I have finally come to a close on my cute, little ruffle skirt.  Boohoo! :(
I really liked sewing this skirt because I'm excited to say that I made it!  I love wearing things that I have made.  It makes me feel so happy.  I feel pride in knowing that I made my clothes.  And I know that what I have made is unique, made especially for me.  Whenever someone asks me where I got my skirt, I get to tell them that I made it.  I love watching people's surprised looks when I tell them I sewed what I'm wearing.  The nice thing about sewing this ruffle skirt is that it is something I could do with my friends.  It wasn't hard at all!  It just took a little time to do it, but less time than I thought.
I guess I partly cheated because I used a pillowcase for the underskirt, so the casing was already there, and that part of the skirt was already done.  I only had to cut it off and serge the bottom edge.  So, really, this is like Pillowcase Skirt meets Ruffle Skirt.  I LIKE it!!!  Okay, I LOVE it!

Here is the rest of the semi-tutorial:

After I gathered each of the mile-long fabric strips, I put them in rows to decide on the perfect arrangement.

Then I divided the length of the underskirt into fourths.

Then I pinned each ruffle strip upside down along the marked lines and sewed them in place.  At first, I thought it was really weird to sew them on upside down, but then Mom showed me why.  It hides all the ugly, raw edges when the ruffle is flipped back down!  Pretty nifty!!

Next, I threaded my elastic through the underskirt casing, stitched the casing closed, tacked down the ends of the ruffles...

VOILA!  Finished!!  I can't wait to sew my little sister's skirt!  We are going to look sooo cute together!!!


  1. Alli, you crack me up! Great post, very cute skirt and I hope a lot of people like it and will ask you where you got it, so you can tell them you made it. I'm sure it'll be inspiring to them and will make them Happy, too!

    Go Alli!

  2. Thanks y'all for the nice comments!
    And I'm glad I'm apparently funny!
    I'm excited to wear it!
    Now, for my next project I should make a...
    Just kidding... but if i knew how to I'd make my whole room a giant trampoline! That would be SWEET!
