Other Stuffage

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ruffle Skirt

Okay, I am finally being true to my word.  I did not bake at all today.  Nothing.  Nada.  Zip.

Instead, I finally got started on a little sewing project that has been sitting very patiently in my sewing basket for a few months.  My aunt sent me a link to a cute sewing blog with the cutest skirts ever!  I have been dying to make some of the skirts since!  I think it would be awesome for me to sew a couple of the skirts for my little sister and me.  We would look soooo cute!!!

The first one I'm working on is called the Cupcake Skirt, but I would call it a Ruffle Skirt.

First, I sewed together two lengths of each fabric to form a mile-long piece. Okay, it wasn't quite that long, but it sure felt like it!

Next, I folded each fabric in half like a big, long hot dog bun... (I think I'm a little hungry as I type... and I really don't like hot dogs, either, though the buns are yummy!)   50 pins later and still counting, I basted each fabric piece so I could pull the threads and gather them to make them all pretty and ruffly. That was sooo much fun!  Definitely my favorite part so far!

One ruffly circle down; three to go...  

I'll hopefully be able to finish this little project tomorrow and start on my little sister's!  I'm so excited!!!!

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