Other Stuffage

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tie Dye

Hello earthlings!!!

So yesterday, I finally did something to make up for like a whole month of no blogging!!!

So, Guess what I did?

*Drum roll*

I did Tie Dye!

Tie Dye is where you dye your shirt and make super duper cool designs on it.

It is a great way to recycle dingy, old white clothing!  
All of a sudden, those old articles of clothing turn into vibrant swirls of color 
instead of a funky shade of grayish-white.

I had a blast Tie Dying a few of my shirts... Maybe I should go to D.I. or Savers and get all of the white shirts I can find... 


That would be really, really fun. :)  
Anyone want to join me?

What you need to Tie Dye:
A white... something (a shirt, shorts, sun dress, whatever)
Rubber bands
A bucket
4 quarts water

What to do:
1.  Pour 4 quarts of water into your bucket and soak your white shirt (or whatever you're tie dying) for 30 minutes.

2.  After that long wait, wring the water out of your soon-to-be-dyed something.

3.  Now it's time for my favorite part: designing your shirt and dying it!

If you don't know any designs then that's ok.  I found a site that shows how to make a lot of different designs.  I did not use that site because I had a tie dying kit.  I used bottles of dye and squirted the dye onto the material instead of dunking it in buckets of dye.  I like the squirt bottle method because it gave me a lot more control over where the dye went.

4.  Allow to dry on grass.  If you don't, you may end up accidentally dying something you are not supposed to... like the concrete surrounding an unnamed basketball court...

Sorry Mom and Dad!

Question of the day:
Have you ever tie dyed before?
If not, would you like to?
And if you have, what is your favorite design?


  1. I LOVE your "new" shirts! What a great way to revitalize the old, nasty-looking white Mod Bod!

  2. If you used the squirt bottle method could you tape/block out the letters of your name on the back, then peel it off when it's dry? I think these would be fun vacation shirts, like when all the Carrs were at Yosemite last year....or for family reunions. I like how the squirt bottle seems less messy. I'm one of those nuts who hates to get dirty! :P

    Love your blog!

    Linda Carr

    1. Yeah, I think you could...
      GREAT IDEA!!!
      I'll have to try that :).
      Another Idea is to airbrush your name onto the back.
      The possibilities are endless!

    2. Oh, just be sure to put a piece of cardboard inside your shirt so the dye doesn't bleed through to the other side.

    3. She is also one of those nuts who hates... BUGS!!!!!!!

  3. I just so happen to be tie dying today. 30 shirts to be exact. They are for my daughter's class @ school. I wish I could say I'm having fun. I think I would enjoy it under different circumstances!
