Other Stuffage

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bow Hanger Head Board

So today, I was going to blog about learning how to crochet or knit.  But, after about two hours of trying I finally gave up...  It also didn't help that my mom doesn't know what she is doing either.

After wasting thirty minutes of my life trying to figure out what to blog about, an idea came to me.  I can make hair bows!!!  I got out a huge box of ribbon and went strait to work.  I had put together some really cute bows and then...


Reality slapped me hard in the face...

Our hot glue guns were missing!

I searched the whole house looking for our two hot glue guns but to no avail.  So, I decided to make a bow hanger instead.

It's great because I didn't need hot glue.  All I needed was cardboard, paint and paintbrushes, and good painting abilities.

Check, check, and not really.  I mean, I'm okay at painting but the brush and I don't get along... I still struggle with painting a smiley face!!!

So instead of painting from the heart, I sketched out what I was going to do and then painted it.

Hopefully I can borrow a hot glue gun tomorrow so then I can make some cute bows to hang on it.

Question of the day:
Have you ever gotten a great idea and in the middle of accomplishing it had reality smack you hard in the face?

Good thing I was able to think of something else to blog about.

Random question of the day:
If you could change one thing in this world what would it be?
(I don't want a serious answer, I want something along the lines of: turning everyone's skin green or something ridiculous like that.  NOT something serious like: No more cancer.)


  1. Uhh... Well, last year, I broke my arm. I love playing piano, so I continued to do so, but I playing without my right hand thumb. When my arm was done healing, I still played without the thumb because it was a habit. Too bad! Sorry aunt Heidi!

    1. Haha :)
      That's awesome!!!

    2. It wasn't that awesome. It was actually very sad. :'(

  2. 1. That happens to me everytime I sew! I think I've got it all down and then get started and realize that my brain makes things up...

    2. I would like to be able to eat whatever, whenever and not change a bit :) Like cake for breakfast? Okay!

    1. 1. Haha! I've done that before!

      2. That would be AWESOME!!!

    2. I WANNA DO THAT!!!!!!

    3. Oh!!!
      And hot tubs filled with hot chocolate and jets that spray out whipped cream!!!
