Other Stuffage

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dark Chocolate Covered Bananacicle



Ah, summer: the time of year when it's awesome to swim, bike, bake, hike, and eat popsicles...

One problem: I don't have popsicles at my house (hence the phrase: My mom is the Food Nazi).

We also don't have chocolate... Well, we do, but I don't know where my dear, sweet mother hid it.

[Mom here: all chocolate and peanut butter is banned to the locked safe...]

BUT, we do have frozen bananas.  So, taking a little inspiration from Chocolate Covered Katie, I took the liberty of making my own dipping chocolate and made a Dark-Chocolate-Covered Bananacicle.  (Try saying that 7 times fast!)

They are super yummy and super easy to make...

The nice thing about them is that the chocolate is pretty dark but mellows out nicely with the banana.  It makes a great satisfying snack that isn't super addicting and leaving you hunting for more sugar... or chocolate...

Dark Dipping Chocolate:

2 tbsp coconut oil
3 tbsp cocoa powder
30 drops liquid stevia
2-4 shakes of salt
1/16 tsp vanilla
2 frozen bananas, cut into chunks

Melt the coconut oil in the microwave for 15 seconds.  Mix in the cocoa powder, stevia, salt and vanilla.  Stir until all the clumps are gone.
Dip the banana chunks into the chocolate mixture and allow to cool on a cookie sheet lined with waxed paper.  

Watch in awe as the chocolate mixture hardens in less than 30 seconds.

Eat and enjoy the crunch of "mock dark chocolate magic shell" on the creamy, dreamy freezy banana.

This is kid tested and Food Nazi Mother approved!

Question Of the Day:
What are you excited for most this summer?

LAKE POWELL!!!  Costa Rica, and Girls Camp!


  1. Fourth of July, Costa Ruca, Girls Camp, campaigns trips... Overall, just summer!

    1. *Rica* and *camping*

    2. I knew what you meant. Though it took me a second with the campaign trips :)

  2. Costa Rica!!! SO excited here. We're also excited to go to Lagoon and fire up the fire pit to make Smore's. mmmmmm
