Other Stuffage

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

La Ney Ferme Tour

A few days ago, my mom, a few family friends, my grand parents, and I got to tour a local veggie farm (that's what I call a farm that doesn't have animals) called La Ney Ferme.

It was neat to see how different ways of planing plants can effect their growth.  For instance, he had some plants planted inside mini "caves" or "tunnels" and others planted in normal garden beds.  The plants in the tunnel things grew quicker and faster than the crops growing outside.  It was quite interesting to see how the peas grown in the tunnel were about 3 feet taller than the peas growing outside... and they were even all planted at the same time!!!

My mom gets a lot of produce from the farm we toured.  I'm going to have to say that the strawberries are so good when they are fresh!!!

It's amazing how the "good stuff" at the store tastes absolutely terrible compared to fresh produce from a farm.

Question of the day:
What has been your favorite tour you've ever participated in?

There is this ride at Disney World called Living with the Land (sounds boring right?).  You get in a boat contraption thing and it talks about plants and "living with the land/living green".  Anywho, it has an amazing garden place where they grow plants in different ways to see how somethings might grow better than others.  But my mom was able to get us into a behind the scene tour of the place it was absolutely AMAZING!!!

Here are a few pictures from that tour:


  1. I think my favorite tour was the Disney Railroad tour I took with my Dad a couple years ago at Disney World.

  2. I really enjoyed the Asa Packer Mansion in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylavnia several years ago. It was cool to see all the woodworking and gold accents on the wood. The style was also luxurious but cozy and very home-like

  3. I took my kids to the Sweets Candy Factory last summer. They have a free tour that is really cool. My kids and I loved it!

  4. I haven't gone on a tour in forever. We should totally plan a couple this summer! But, I have enjoyed a bunch like the Tower of London, and Windsor Castle.
