Other Stuffage

Monday, May 14, 2012

Brownies and Ice Cream

Chocolate is the answer to all problems.  

Well... almost all problems.

Ice cream solves the rest of them.

Anyways, as a lot of you know, chocolate is my love.  It is what keeps me sane or insane.  The latter would happen if chocolate suddenly stopped existing.

Yes, chocolate is my love and life.  So, what does a chocolate lover like me do when she is craving chocolate like there is no tomorrow?

She makes Brownies of course!

And to add to the magic of chocolate she makes ice cream too...  
As long as it's not green smoothie "ice cream."

But wait!  What about the Food Nazi dilemma?  (I'm sure some of you were wondering about that).  Since we are all trying to be "good," we took a little inspiration from the Body for Life program and recipe book.  But of course, we had to tweak it a little to fit what we had in the pantry.

Heehee... I love chocolate...  And ice cream..

3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup xylitol
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 Tbsp coconut oil
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
6 egg whites, beaten
1/4 cp unsweetened applesauce
1/4 cup water

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Lightly coat an 8"x8" baking dish with cooking spray.
In a large mixing bowl, sift together the dry ingredients (flour-salt).
In a medium mixing bowl, combine the rest of the ingredients.  Pour wet mixture into flour mixture and stir until just well combined.
Pour bater into baking dish and bake until edges spring back when you touch them gently (center will be soft), about 15-20 minutes.
Allow to cool and then cut into 12-16 pieces.

Ice Cream:
1/2 cup almond milk*
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
2 frozen bananas, sliced

Blend almond milk and protein powder together.   Add sliced bananas and blend on high speed until smooth and creamy.
*NOTE:  You may need more almond milk, depending on your protein powder.  We used SunWarrior Warrior Blend and it really congeals liquid, so we used 1 cup of almond milk.

Question of the day:
What food keeps you sane?



  1. Drats! Was SO ready to make your healthy brownies tonight, but I don't have any xylitol. I have everything else! Guess I'm gonna have to put that on the list. Maybe you should just bring me some brownies! Ha ha!

    1. Doh! Too late!! We ate them all. Guess we need to make another batch! Hahaha! You could use honey or plain old sugar instead of xylitol but obviously it would have more sugar, though not as much as "normal" brownies. You could also probably use stevia powder if you have that. 4 tsp maybe? I think 1/2 tsp=about 2 Tbsp sugar. I'm always a little nervous about using all stevia. It gets really yucky if you use too much! I've done that way too many times. Good luck!

    2. I wish... BROWNIES FOR EVERYONE!!!

  2. You sounds like a lady after my own heart! (Green smoothies, and all!) I have been experementing with all sorts of almond milk ice cream recipes, and just started getting into some RAW stuff...I likey!
    I read a bunch about the sunwarrior protein stuff...do you like it? I am tempted to try some.

    1. I can't speak for Alli, but I like it. I definitely prefer the rice protein over the warrior blend. I love the chocolate rice protein mixed with soaked chia seeds. Chocolate chia pudding! :). I have liked Sun Warrior brand over every other rice protein I've tried.

    2. Yeah I like it but it does thicken stuff up quite a bit... or is that a different protein powder?
